Sunday, March 31, 2019
Recruitment and Selection Essay
Recruitment and Selection EssayRecruitment and Selection is not only a fundamental but as well a crucial activity of Human Resource Management and it excessively is the main(prenominal) advent to recommend talents into companies and plazaments. Under the context of increased global competition, high- aim individuals argon the crucial factor for the survival and growing of enterprises and validations. So as an eligible manager, how to decide on which approach towards recruitment and plectron is near appropriate for their goernment activity gets important increasingly.This assignment will argue more or less the necessary article of faiths which recruitment and selection litigate should wee and what key points should be foc mathematical turn taild on by HR managers. Furthermore, several suggestions and measures could be provided to the HR manager in guild to decide on which approach is al nigh appropriate for their organizations.Context of recruitment and selectionR ecruitment and selection process is concerned with identifying, eviscerateing and choosing suitable soul to meet organisations human resource requirements. (Anderson, 2001), it also can be explained like Watson said Recruitment and selection be conceived as the processes by which organizations solicit, contract and interest potential appointees, and then ratify whether it would be appropriate to appoint any of them (Watson, 1994)From those explanations, it is not difficult to close up that hiring the in force(p) someone in the right place at the right time is crucial to organizational performance. In other words, fit is the basic factor the HR manager should be concerned. Fit got more come on from tralatitious psychometric view to favorable exchange model. In traditional psychometric view of recruitment and selection, fit is assumed between individualised characteristics of the individual and the technical demands of the particular think over (Stephen Bach, 2005). But in the social exchange model, fit relates to the matching of expectations and needs of the individual with the values, climate and goals of the organization (Stephen Bach, 2005).Recruitment and selection are the two different defends in HR management theoretically. Recruitment searching for and obtaining potential labor candidates in fitting numbers and quality so that the organization can select the most appropriate batch to fill its job needs (Dowling and Schuler, 1990). And selection is the undermentioned stage in drill cycle. It is the process to predict which candidates is qualifiedand good to the development of to the organization.So after understanding the context and identifications of recruitment and selection, to define scent start about the processes of recruitment and selection is the first stage for the HR managers decision-making.The carry through of Recruitment and SelectionRecruitment ProcessIn the recruitment process, job analysis is the first stage deep down the organizations. It is very important to realize data about the whole situation of organization positions nature and structure. The principle to check whether the structure is eligibility is the fit. Is the job fit this mortal or is that person fit the organization? How about the employee performance and records? The answers of those questions should be found out within the job analysis.This period involved data collection and materials retrial, such as employee performance appraisal and records, and so on. Job holders records is a alert factor should be concerned as well. Job holder could aim interviews, structures questionnaires, diaries to record their activities and get information in order to gain robustness job analysis. Considering the reports form colleagues is another approach within the job analysis. So those three aspects underlay job analysis in the first stage of recruitment in organizations.Next stage is job description, person specification. Firstly, the function of job description gives the applicants or recruitment agencies an orientation about the organizations needs. erstwhile the applicants and recruitment agencies knew the orientation, the staff will design the employment contracts and begin to give the selection techniques to ensure next stages normal operation. And the other benefit of job description for the recruitment process is to provide the applicants a fairly instruct without the recruiters subjective bias.The person specification is a vital criterion should be concerned within the process of selection. Specification includes several details spare-time activity Rodgers septet-point plan physical make up, attainments, general intelligence, special aptitudes, interests, disposition and circumstances. Those seven point is always be used in innovational selection process, but the weakness is over rigidity, so increasingly organizations based on a set of competency as the crucial factor for person specification. This part will be explained in the following session.Attracting and managing application (recruitment)in one case the job analysis phase is finished and job description and person specification are identified, the next stage is to consider how to attract people who meet the requirement and to manage application. There are two systems to be chosen one is inborn method, the other one is foreign method. national methods meaning that pay more attention to the internal talent syndicate within the organization when recruiting. This method provides opportunities for development and career progression increases employee assignment and retention and supports succession planning (online, 2009). This methods append several advantages to the organization. Firstly, using this method could economize time and cost of money and labor. Because the practice of recruitment takes place within the organization, the recruits already know some context of organizations culture and the certificate of in debtedness of the job so the briefing and training before starting exit would be reduced or cancelled. In addition, the cost of advertisement and recruitment consultancy fees could be avoided as well, so that is why it saves time and cost. Secondly, providing opportunity to lively employees could embrave then to obtain better performance and get more motivation when doing task. So using the internal recruitment methods could develop the organizations own internal talents pool and then realize the win-win situation (employee-organization), sequentially causes the long-term perpetual development of an organization. It also has disadvantages by using this method. It is unfair to the applicants outside. Internal recruitment is therefore less common in the public sector, where concerns about unlikeness tend to be a higher priority than in the hidden sector (Harris 2000). In addition, recruit person without outside could make the organization become obturation and stagnancy without now ideas and innovation coming. Because new person could bring the now thought to make organizations change, and change actor development.soft HRM approach pp.122If an organization considers expanding the dimension of organization or the internal recruitment failed, the external method could be operated effectively. The external method means that recruit individuals from outside. The virtue and shift of external method is the contrary side of the merit and demerit of internal method. There are several options available for external recruitment. To attract more individuals and increase the applicants pool, external assistance, such as job centers, head-hunters, employment agencies, professional bodies, career service, always be used. There are a number of corporation uses formal personal contacts to attract individuals, such as career fairs, open days and leaflet drops. Notice board, accessible by current staff or the general public, to be used by recruitment the advertisement, i ncluding local and national press, specialist publications, radio and TV and the mesh, produce by organizations as well. As calculating by CIPD, the proportion of UK organization used advertisement in local press occupied 84%, the proportion of using specialist journals and trade press and using unified website occupied 73% and 72% separated (CIPD, 2003). What I want to stress is that the Internet recruitment becoming increasingly popular in modern society. It is more convenient than the traditional recruitment. Effective recruitment is crucial to organizational success (Barber 1988). Time-consuming is the obvious advantage by using Internet to recruit individuals. All the individuals information, company introduction and job details are on the Internet together. It is convenient for the individuals and companies to collect data what meets their demand. And the online application forms or the CV are managed in an effective way in order to the operation of next stage- selection.S election ProcessIn the selection phase, there are three basic principles included reliability, robustness and usefulness (Stephen Bach, 2005). The reliability also takes place in testee and inspector. testee reliability means that the value of selection method should be a consistency over time. In other words, if a selection methods test a person is a passionate person, than the same result should be generated over time. tester reliability means that the purpose of any selection method should have a well targeted and the principle of this well-targeted method should be reliable. The same system of logic as testee reliability has. The criterion-related lustiness is the main type of validity and usefulness. This evidence is helpful to organizations since it clearly indicates that some selections methods have higher validity than others and that it is desirable to try and validate the selection methods used systematically within a given organizational context, rather than rely on cognizance or secondary data. Unfortunately, the evidence also suggests that those methods with the highest validity are not the most popular. Rather, most organizations rely on the classic trio of short-listing, interviewing and references (Cook 2003 Millmore 2003). cardinal main selection methods by selection candidates, there are shortlisting and assessing applicants whether they should be offered a job.A variety of methods can be used to make selection decisions, but the first thing to note is that the interview corpse the most common method, often used alone, although increasingly combined with supernumerary methods (Shackleton and Newell 1991)The obligation of shortlisting is to selection applicants personal material by shortlisting and assessing applicants to decide who should be offered a job.Selection decisions should be made after using a range of tools appropriate to the time and resources available. Care should be taken to use techniques which are relevant to the job a nd the business objectives of the organisation. All tools used should be validated and constantly reviewed to ensure their fairness and reliabilityMaking the appointmentJoining the organizationCompetency frameworks may be substituted for job or person specifications but these should include an indication of roles and responsibilities. See our factsheet on competency and competency frameworks for more information.Hiring orthodoxReferencesAnderson, N. 2001 Towards a theory of socialization tinct Selection as pre-entry socialization, International journal of Selection and Assessment, 9(1/2), 84-91. Barber, A. 1988 Recruiting Employees Individual and organisational Perspectives, Thousand Oaks, CA Sage. Cook, M. 2003 Personnel Selection Adding Value through People, quaternary edn, Chichester John Wiley. Dowling, P. and Schuler, R. (1990) International Dimensions of Human Resource Management. Boston, Mass PWS-Kent Publishing. Harris, L. (2000) Procedural judge and perceptions of fairnes s in selection practice, International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 8(3), 148-58 Shackleton, V.J. and Newell, S. 1994 European management selection methods A comparison of five countries, International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 2, 91-102 Watson, T. 1994 Recruitment and selection, in K. Sisson (ed.), Personnel Management A universal Guide to Theory and Practice in Britain, Oxford Basil Blackwell. http//
LGBT Policy in the US
LGBT Policy in the USFrida MontoyaAdvocating Gay and Lesbian RightsAs the divers(prenominal) societies within America alter over time so do the laws of the country, either supporting or declining the growth of such changes. A pertinent turn within society mickle be found in the growing support towards gay and lesbian even up(a)s, citizens argue that the advance of adjoin right in the LGTB friendship is something that should be vimed for but, to what extent provide they go to gain the support of the government?The government post be utter to have mixed feeling about the LGBT residential district having the Democratic ships company pushing forward with it and the Republican Party arguing that the concept of the LGBT community is immoral and an alienation of human nature. The simple fact that the movement is dynamic signifies as a sign of just how far America has perform to exercise the true meaning of equal rights amongst its citizens, looking past race, internal orient ation, disabilities and many early(a) factors. Despites the many supporters hate groups have begun forming in try to halt the inevitable change of equal rights for altogether.Republican Partys position that marriage should be limited to a man and a woman We would condemn anyone who vilifies the LGBT community with demonizing rhetoric and falsehoods. And thats exactly what Perkins and track routinely do. Perkins, who heads the Family Research Council, has repeatedly portrayed LGBT great deal as perverted. Hes called the It Gets Better campaign designed to give LGBT students hope for a better tomorrow disgusting and a concerted effort to lift children into the gay lifestyle. Lane is head of the American Renewal Project, funded by the virulently anti-LGBT American Family Association (AFA). The AFAs chief spokesman, Bryan Fischer, has said that homosexuality gave us Adolph Hitler and homosexuals in the legions gave us the Brown Shirts, the Nazi war machine and sestet million d ead Jews. (Cohen, Richard).As the excerpt narrates theres a clear disapproval of the LGTB community, for personal or political reasons. The push for equality is more than simply the mere acceptance of the group its self, their rights have to be equally protected chthonic the law which is where the situation can formulate tricky. Even the politicians ar utilizing certain content to benefit their overall suffrage ranks by making the LGTB community look bad. Like in the shimmy of Brian Edwards and Tom Privitere. The married couple cant stand the public opinion of LGBT youth seeing a mailer that uses their cherished engagement photo to beset a politician for supporting same-sex civil unions. The photo, which shows the couple kissing, was misappropriated by an anti-LGBT hate group for use in the mailer attacking Colorado enjoin Sen. Jean White. Bold words on a red desktop were added to the picture State Senator Jean Whites idea of Family value?(SPLC Sues Anti-gay Hate Group ov er Defilement of Couples usage Photo).The laws pertaining Lesbians, gays, trans sexual urge and bi individuals atomic number 18 non equally represented if even habituated through all the states making it difficult for citizens who fall within the LGBT class to have their rights fully protected. For instance, a current topic where the acknowledgment of a marriage was purposely overseen in a death certificate in Alabama because the couple, Paul Hard and David Fancher, was gay.The SPLC announced a federal event today challenging these laws. The lawsuit, filed on Hards behalf in the U.S. soil apostrophize for the Middle District of Alabama, seeks to overturn the states pairing Protection do work, a 1998 law that bans the recognition of same-sex marriages from other states, and the Sanctity of espousal Amendment, which enshrined this ban in the constitution in 2005( SPLC Challenges Alabamas unconstitutional union Protection Act and Sanctity of wedding ceremony Amendment). Certain groups that are against same sex marriage argue that marriage should only be for those that fall within the guidelines of religious beliefs, meaning non gay people but marriage recognition can imply much more. In the case of Tracey Cooper-Harris who happened to be a disabled U.S. Army veteran, and her wife, Maggie their marriage unbroken them from being able to get the benefits that other veterans and their wifes were provided with.The act declared the Title 38 sections unconstitutional, finding there is no military purpose that could justify discriminating against veterans with same-sex spouses. It also found that Title 38 is not rationally related to the militarys commitment to care for veteran families. The U.S. Supreme Court struck down DOMA in a separate case earlier this year. Because of the courts ruling on Title 38, Tracey and Maggie are now eligible for a number of benefits, including redundant disability compensation and the right to be buried together in a s tate or interior(a) veterans cemetery. These benefits, and many others, are routinely provided to heterosexual married veterans and their spouses. (SPLC honorsuit Ends with Landmark command That Is First to adjudicate Same-sex Spouses Rights to Benefits).The recognition of equal marriage in every(prenominal) aspect is something that the LGTB community is striding for, it is not just a legal document it is a right that comes along with many other aspects that are whitewash yet to be approved by the government. However not all issues originate because the state itself denies a LGTB individual their rights but from discrimination that more than likely exceeds to an scurrilous level.Discrimination tends to be very common in the life of a LGTB individual. If for instance done in a school should be overseen by an adult of faculty member who would naturally step in and gravel a stop to it but in the case of some this is not the situation and the discrimination rises from other stude nts to adults.SPLC filed a federal civil rights lawsuit that seeks to enforce Destins civil rights and force the district to address the mistreatment of Destin and other lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender students. The suit, filed in December, asserts the district has violated Destins rights under the 14th Amendments Equal Protection Clause and Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972.District officials who are entrusted with the safety and education of all students not only ignored, dismissed and even blamed victims for the abusive air of faculty and other students, they also erupticipated in discriminatory acts, said Anjali Nair, SPLC ply attorney. Destin has been humiliated and tortured. Our suit seeks justice for her and other students who were mistreated, as well as reforms that will prevent this from happening again.(SPLC Files Suit to Stop Anti-LGBT Harassment by Students and Faculty in Mississippis Moss Point School District).The non-supportive part of the comm unity has and will continue to alienate individuals that take part in the LGTB group even if it is simply to support the cause. Despite this, young supporters are uprising all through the United States figuring out ship canal to improve certain issues that tend to attack the LGTB groups in schools. One of these is determent an issue that was addresses by Hannah Bradley and her classmates. the students wore name tags stating their orientation. But Bradley and other students were censored by school officials who forced them to remove their tags. The SPLC today demanded in a earn to Jefferson County postgraduate School in Dandridge, Tenn., that school officials stop this censorship and warned they expect a possible federal lawsuit on Bradleys behalf( Citing broad Speech Rights, SPLC Demands Tennessee High School Stop Censoring Students). Alienation can only go so far but it has gotten to the point where a thing such as Conversion Therapy was created. Conversion Therapy is basicall y a treatment that is guaranteed to convert any individual that fall within the LGTB category. It is wherefore with situations such as these that the government can and will step in. A ruling by the Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals that upholds Californias ban on conversion therapy for minors, a discredited practice that claims to reanimate people of being gay, is another sign of the collapse of the conversion therapy industry, tally to the grey pauperisation police Center Science proves that it doesnt work. It harms kids, and it tear families apart (Appeals Court Ruling in California Is Another get of Conversion Therapy Industrys Collapse).The fact that the government its self recognizes that some of these actions are inhumane, not just to a certain minority, but to the United States as a whole can tell apart a lot about the explosive charge in which we are headed to. LGTB rights will no longer be lose for the issues of its upbringing have already been addressed by th e government several(prenominal) times indirectly encouraging the community to continue to advocate for those right and also giving certain individuals the confidence they need to state their case to the judicial branch pertaining their rights. As more and more people push for this cause the LGTB community will gradually continue to gain more rights for it will be brought to the attention of the government.Today, by passing the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA),the U.S. Senate took a historic step toward ending this outrage It simply prohibits employers from development a workers sexual orientation or gender identity as the basis for hiring, firing, promotion, or compensation. It means that LGBT people will be afforded the same workplace protections already in place regarding race, religion, gender, national origin and disabilityBut employers in 29 states can still lawfully eliminate because of sexual orientation, and in 33 states they can discriminate because of gender ide ntityOver the last few years, weve passed milestone after milestone on the road to equality for LGBT people among them, the Supreme Courts recent decision to strike down the Defense of Marriage Act. (Senate Passage of ENDA Is Important trample toward Dignity and Fairness for LGBT People).Overall, it is accurate to say that the LGTB community will continue to grow both in members and supporters making it nearly impossible for the government to devolve and go back to the port things had previously been. The need for equality will gradually be overseen from every point by the government until one day hopefully we can all say that we do indeed have equal rights that are protected by the constitution of the United States of America.Work CitedCohen, Richard. A live Too Large The Republican Party and Anti-LGBT Bigotry. Southern penury Law Center. 8 Aug. 2014. Web. 15 Nov. 2014. http// countersign/a-tent-too-large-the-republican-party-and-anti-lgbt-bigotr y.SPLC Challenges Alabamas Unconstitutional Marriage Protection Act and Sanctity of Marriage Amendment. Southern Poverty Law Center. 13 Feb. 2014. Web. 16 Nov. 2014. http// intelligence agency/splc-challenges-alabama-s-unconstitutional-marriage-protection-act-and-sanctity-of.SPLC Files Suit to Stop Anti-LGBT Harassment by Students and Faculty in Mississippis Moss Point School District. Southern Poverty Law Center. 17 Dec. 2013. Web. 18 Nov. 2014. http// Court Ruling in California Is Another Sign of Conversion Therapy Industrys Collapse. Southern Poverty Law Center. 29 Jan. 2014. Web. 18 Nov. 2014. http// Passage of ENDA Is Important Step toward Dignity and Fairness for LGBT People. Southern Poverty Law Cen ter. Web. 18 Nov. 2014. http// Lawsuit Ends with Landmark Ruling That Is First to Decide Same-sex Spouses Rights to Benefits. Southern Poverty Law Center. 30 Aug. 2013. Web. 18 Nov. 2014. http// Free Speech Rights, SPLC Demands Tennessee High School Stop Censoring Students. Southern Povery Law Center. 18 Oct. 2012. Web. 20 Nov. 2014. http// Sues Anti-gay Hate Group over Defilement of Couples Engagement Photo. Southern Poverty Law Center. 26 Sept. 2012. Web. 18 Nov. 2014. http//
Saturday, March 30, 2019
ABCDE Approach for Critically Ill Patients
ABCDE admittance for Critically Ill PatientsThe topic I have chosen for my sketch is a forbearing with chest suffer. The Resuscitation Council (UK 2006) recommends that clinical staff should follow the ABCDE coming when assessing and treating critically ill patients. This will help to identify the deterioration of critically ill patients.With this in mind, it is important that patients presenting with cardiovascular conditions be promptly assessed and treated. hither I am following an ABCDE judicial decision on a patient with chest annoying. The 58-year-old (anonymous) male patient admitted with chest pain, 8hours after the onset of the symptoms. initially patient was thinking it is heartburn and been taken gaviscon and paracetamol.As I went to memorise the patient, I introduced myself and checked identity by asking the name.Patient is able to communicate.This incates that the air duct is patent. Patient is looking pale and in short of breath. Complaining of massiveness an d crushing pain around the chest radiating to left arm. sit patient upright position and checked breathing. Respiratory vagabond is 20bpm. (9-14bpm is convening resp rate-bts guidelines). The pattern of the breathing is normal, the movement of the chest wall is equal, and symmetrical.SaO2 checked is, 95% on room air. (Above 94%is normal or 88%-92% for those with resp bother (copd) BTS 2008).I administered 35% atomic number 8 via venturi mask. Supplemental oxygen therapy is important to maintain equal oxygen levels in the create from raw materials and organs when patients experiencing pain and shortness of breath. (Critical care legal opinion booklet)Patients peripheries are cold and clammy.this indicates poorly perfused tissues. Pressed on patients finger for 5 seconds to check the capillary refill time.(in health,initial blanching should disappear within 2seconds of releasing contract(Athern and Philpot 2002).CRT is 4 seconds. delayed CRT indicates poor perfusion(Lima and B akker 2005). checked radial pulse is tachycardic 114bpm.rate is regular. A manual pulse should always checked, as machines that measure heart rate tend to appoint an averaged value and therefore do not getaway irregularities or arterial insufficiency (Torrance and Elley, 1997).HR is above systolic neckcloth pressure indicating that patient having cardiac problem. Blood pressure is 101/54 mmhg, temporary worker 36 deg. Patient was very restless due to pain. Obtained ECG and present small eyeshade in the ST segment in standard leads.ST elevation is the first sign of infarction. This happens when myocardium injured. ECG is showing Acute Myocardial infarction. trouble oneself relief is the first priority, as uncontrolled pain increases sympathetic stimulation, which leads to change magnitude myocardial oxygen consumption. This can further aggravate the ischemia (T Moore P Woodrow). Informed doctor about patients condition. Inserted cannula and taken bloods for troponin t and routi ne investigating fbc, ues, coagulation profile. Doctor arrived and examined the patient, advised to give GTN spray and Diamorphine injection (GTN generates azotic oxide that is Vasoprotective.Nitrovasodilators act primarily to dilate veins and therefore has a major rig on reducing the filling pressures of the heart. This helps to reduce myocardial contraction, wall stress, oxygen demands .It is short acting, and its effects last up to 30 minutes. The sublingual driveway is preferred as this avoids metabolism by the liver which reduces the drug soaking up (H Chummun,KGopaul,A. Lutchman 2009) Diamorphine injection 5mg intravenously given .This is both potent analgesic and has positivistic hemodynamic effects particularly,vasodialatation which reduces the myocardial oxygen demand. Metochlorpromide 10mg intravenously (Antiemetic) given along with opiates to besmirch nausea, a side effect of opiates therapy. Aspirin and Clopidogrel 300mg given .These are anti blood platelet drugs , decrease the platelet aggregation and inhibit thrombus formation in the arterial circulation ,because in faster-flowing vessels,throbi are composed mainly of platelets with little fibrin. (BNF 2010)Patient is not thrombolysed with streptokinase injection, because the late manifestation and later administration is less effective outcome. Currently most protocols counseling a time window of 6hrs from the onset of pain during which it is appropriate to give thrombolytics.After this time it is usually considered that the risk of the drug outweigh the limited make headway gained(MrBassets and Mr Makins). Reassessed vital signs and pain. The pain is easing off slightly, scoring 2.respiratory rate 16bpm , HR 98bpm BP 112/68,CRT 2. Patients condition is improving. Pain assessment is a priority because continued pain is a symptom of ongoing MI, which places additional risk on myocardial tissue (Urden et al, 2002). repetition Diamorphine injection given as advised by doctor. Closely obser ved the patient, monitored breathing and oxygen saturation. Oxygen therapy continued, because it is important to dish the myocardial tissue to continue its pumping activity and to repair the damaged tissue around the site of the infarct (Sole et al, 2001).No shortness of breath at present. Repeat ECG taken in 15 minutes interval for assessment of dysrhythmias and it is noninvasive, well tolerated by patients and provides continuous information about the heart (Docherty and Douglas, 2003). Patients blood sugar checked and it is 6.7mmol.patient has no diabetic history.Patient is very unquiet and worried. dread can play a role in exquisite MI. It may affect the development of further heart disease, further morbidity or prognosis, health care use and rehabilitation. (Crow et al,1996, Januzzi et al 2000).I reassured patient. Anxiety management is assigned a high priority in the earlyish management of Acute MI. Doctor discussed with family about present condition and treatment. Fam ily fellow member who are anxious or upset about the patients condition may heighten patient anxiety, research suggest that family members should provide with information to abut their needs to reduce family anxiety (Quinn et al 1996).Doctor explained to the family about patients diagnosis and treatment. touchwood rate monitored continuously by attaching telemetry. This helps to identify cardiac arrhythmias. Vitals signs and pain score recorded regularly.Recognizing the signs of clinical deterioration and taking appropriate by the bye action can be a vital part of providing optimal patient care. The clinical signs of critical illness usually reflect compromised respiratory, cardiovascular and neurological function.The underlying aim of the initial interventions should be seen as a holding measure to keep the patient alive,and produces some clinical profit ,in order that definitive treatment may be initiated(Nolan et al,2005).
Friday, March 29, 2019
Philosophy of Freedom
Philosophy of e whilecipationWhat is secretedom? Is it absolute accountability? If we ask this question to people virtu wholey us, we pull up stakes receive around a hundred different answers, because anyone pass on understand this phenomenon in his or her own way. exemption freighter be defined starting from different aspects, according to different cultures, from different points of realise and even from different beliefs. Everyone was born only free and all of them essential(prenominal) use up the right to support freely. Based on some articles, we can see that out there people want to be free and indep eat upent from apiece different, hardly is this concept possible and consentable by the nightclub?Freedom is the right to do what we want, alert where we want, eat what we want, get what we want to learn, for example we choose what religion we want to believe, without caring closely others judgments Honestly, I am not sure if this in of right unfeignedly exis ts because we were taught in a way where we argon allowed to choose, only when at the ratiocination someone testament do that job (choosing) for us. So argon we genuinely free? Are we future(a) the definition of Freedom? In my opinion, emancipation is an absence of pressure and enforcement from other people, where people is free to do what laws and cordial customs do not prohibit. We can hardly say that all societies are free in the same way.Personally, I believe that we, piece beings are God creatures. God is the one who made us and gave us the right to life. According to the Bible, God started to create the heavens and the earth, then the break of day and the night where He allowed the existence of life, starting from birds to all the animals and till the end the creation of the Man, called Adam. Since Adam was so alone, God decided to give him a company, a partner. Based on all this, God made a society for Humans and with it, we were taught to obey and follow rules. Can we try to surmise what the world might turn into if every(prenominal) one of us could do whatever we wanted with no limitations and respect towards the rules and others?After all, how can we live freely? From my point of view, we can live freely by respecting others rights to live freely too, by taking other people rights into consideration. In other words, the main idea behind the word freedom is to be respectful and responsible to the society. Freedom is a very strategic social occasion to every human being because as we had encounter in the past decades a lot of debates have started debating closely this topic. For example, I would desire to talk about the freedom of speech. I think freedom of speech is the most important part when we try to see what the meaning behind freedom is. As we know, out there is a lot of people that are convicted because of their yeasty mind and even, some of them are buried just because the society cannot accept their way of expressing their f eelings. In my research, someone said that freedom of expression will never result in hostility among people if they respect each others ideas. As I mentioned before, freedom is not an absolute right, and there are too many limitation on it. First of all, the society right including national security which is very important, security is the most important thing in freedom. Our freedoms should never cause to threatening our national security.I have relegated some of my opinions about freedom, now I would like to separate the word freedom by a definition. According to Wikipedia, freedom is naive to human and that he will fights as long as he lives to restore his innate right to be free man, I like this definition very much because I think it is true, our freedoms are settled by us, no one can set it Since God gave us freedom for free, we must do our best to maintain and keep this right.I think the most humiliating ways to punish a human, is to plunder him or her from freedom, for example when someone goes to jail, that person is uncase from freedom and so he is suffering. Freedom is not absolute, it must be limited. We cannot just do what we like and say I am a free man. We cannot kill, smuggle drugs or violate the laws and rules for freedom, they should be respected and I totally agree with this sentence the freedom of anyone ends where the freedom of another one begins.For me, every youngster should be taught to be free, planting in them the love for freedom, but they might be supervised, it should not be without limits. Freedom in teens state is very important for building a good character and a stable personality. Teens want to hang around with friends, do whatever they like, or do not like, they want to experience everything. If they are given freedom with no limits, they may get lost, so parents should tell them what is right or wrong, so there is no limit or restriction. That is why parents management is really important for our existence. Only fre edom with no guidance will lead to a bad actions and cause destruction in the society.Freedom is a state, a process of interaction of individuals and groups with the environment, when the society is changing or a person makes some changes so that there appear much opportunities of choice and realization of important purposes and values. The most important thing that we must care about is enjoying our freedom without harming our security.For conclusion, freedom is an innate right, something that humans are born with. Nothing in this planet can threaten our freedom, deprive us from our rights. As mention before, our right of freedom must never cause harm to any other human being, directly or indirectly. We must respect freedom as everyone in the world/society has it, if you want others to respect your freedom, firstly you must learn to respect them. And following this ways, we can enjoy and live our freedom through our life. Last but not the least, I want to quote a sentence that my teacher in high school used to say Quanto mais liberdade, mais responsabilidade., it means the more freedom you have, the more responsibilities you face. After all, this sentence is really reflective and I hope that that people out there have realize this light secret
Printing Industry Is The Uks Fifth Largest Manufactur Marketing Essay
stamp Industry Is The Uks Fifth Largest Manuf encounterur merchandise probeThe aim of this project is to present a feasible idea to gain the check aw atomic public figure 18ness and profile of the tender opening melt PrintIT, a print company which is fail of The AppleBy Trust. To achieve this re attend was carried out on the produce industry, analysis on the current pie-eyed and marketing activities and consideration of a potential new guest base for PrintIT to tar move. This would alter establishment of an utility(a) marketing st rungy for PrintIT which is hoped to be successful. printing process Industry abridgmentThe imprint Industry is the UKs fifth largest manufacturing industry. It employs over 160,000 people in 12,000 companies nigh of which be fairly small. It is a vital manufacturing sector and has strategic importance to the miserliness catering for public authorities, retail, distribution, financial services, travel etc. In Union Ireland effect is a long established and mature industry and some of the companies that operate within the sector ar long serving and pitch been involved in printing for a number of decades.http// put through addition 1Johnston, Michael, Chief Executive, BPIF, The grocery storeing Managers Yearbook 2007, The BPIF, The Voice of the picture Industry in the UK, See appurtenance 2http// in the industry is greatly influenced by the level of activity taking out in the economy and subsequently demand for the sector did fall from advance(prenominal) 2008 due to the economic downturn. Printing companies argon losing contracts as system of ruless go into administration. Declines atomic number 18 inevitably likely 2010, 2011 with full reco very and possible increases in 2012.Fenn, Dominic, get wind Note Marketing Report 2010, 15th Edition, Printing, Apri l 2010ISBN 978-1-84729-608-5, See attachment 3The industry is hugely affected by macroeconomic factors and Printing is evaluate to advance in the future.Be disordered is a PEST Analysis which explains the close crucial factors affecting the industry-PoliticalLegislationIPPC (Integrated Pollution saloon and Integrated Control) is the virtually crucial and looks at resource and energy efficiency, shot prevention and minimisation of other pollutants including noise and IPPC.htmlNew powers contrive been given to the ICO (In fashionation Commissioners Office) which could see Printing companies face study fines in that locationfore Printing firms process personal data need to ensure it is adequately protected.Nias, Simon and Sheahan, Tim, Printers could face 500k fines on a show whileer floor new powers given to ICO, PrintWeek article 4 December 2009 (20 Nov)See Appendix 4The Printing Industry is a hugel y polluting industry and environmental issues let in-Water Large quantities of water are use in about printing processes and Water charges are being introduced at the end of the yr in Northern Ireland See Appendix 23. The alternative would be desiccate printing nevertheless the printers are expensive to purchase and run.Waste comparatively high levels of waste are growd by the printing process. This is also a neighborly issue.Emissions VOCs are believed to come from the Printing Industry. These spate cause headaches, dizziness, nausea and much much serious affects if exposed to for long periods of sinister metals and non-renewable resources in ink. The alternative would be vegetable based inks merely not used by all printers.EconomicThe economic downturn is the most evident with approximately 200 companies already going into administration with 3000 jobs lost. This is impart to the high levels of unemplo yment the UK is facing. See Appendix 5 from which is the official website for the British Printing Industries Federation.Mitting, William, Unemployment hits 2.38m with thousands of jobs lost from print 15 July 2009Printing Paper rises Several major paper suppliers have announced price increases. Paper giant Sappi verbalise it will raise the price of certain types of paper by at least 10% in March next year however Printing companies will find it hard to increase their prices as there is continual undercutting of prices to secure contracts. See Appendix 6Morris, Helen, Paper manufacturers put in to impose further price increase 19 FebruaryInterest rate rising Small print firms could be hit by a further crush on borrowing. This is the result of a move by the Treasury to reduce its exposure to the EFG scheme. See Appendix 7.Energy and provide rises The industry has high energy dependence from the machinery it uses, a majority of which is electrical.Tucker, Wesley, eHow Contributor, Challenges in the Printing Industry 31st May 2010http// It Yourself With disposable income lower and a wide more diverse range of packages available, con orderers can choose to print for themselves whether it be using templates available on Microsoft or Desktop Publishing etc.TechnologicalAdvancement in applied science has an unavoidable impact in the industry. It is needed to survive and ahead of competition. A Marketing Week article reports that the trend of digital technology and printing will ultimately open up new markets. A Printing Impressions article and Converting magazine abstract explain that digital enhances image and timberland, has a scurrying turnaround and saves costs. See Appendices 8,9 10.The net profit is another technological factor. 73% of households in the UK have it with 30 million adults using it daily then an opportunity for the indus try to put to work. See Appendix 11 which details the interior(a) Statistics of Internet access. The Printing Industry could use the internet as an online society as welll which is a trend in demand. The internet could too be used as a ordinary, for example a campaign online could be enhanced with a printed one to match. See Appendix 12 which explains that the internet is not a threat but can be used as a complimentary medium.Ultimately all the factors would need to be strongly analysed and considered in raise to survive in an environment which is speedily changing.With regards to the Social Enterprise sector, they have a vital role to forgather in the countrys economic recovery as they tackle social unemployment and law-breaking or environmental issues and still support financial growth. The survey in Appendix 13 found that despite the recession, social enterprises are doubly as confident of future growth as small to medium enterprises, with 48% of social enterprises reacti ng positively as opposed to just 24% of SMEs.Since the economic downturn began, 56% have increased their turnover from the former year whilst less than 20% have seen it go down.State of Social Enterprise Survey, Nov 2009, Social Enterprise Coalitionhttp// and Marketing AnalysisStrengthsLatest intersection blot TechnologyIn House Professional throw SystemCompetitive tollsOnline Uploading goodWeaknessesInstabilityLimited to Employee AbilitiesLimited To involutionVery diminished Cash flowVery Little Marketing AbilityResource IndependentOpportunitiesSeasonal Greetings CardsT-shirt PrintingCharity FundraisersPostcardsThreatsStable / Well Known CompetitorsWork Related Legislations growing in at home PrintingStruggling Economysupra is a SWOT analysis of PrintIT.Strengths include the latest product technology. PrintIT extend digital printing and An In House Professional Design Service which indicate they are advancing with changes in technology in wh at is a dominant trend in the industry. They also have an online uploading service which enables faster and more convenient printing for the enterprise and the customer.Weaknesses include very little cash flow and marketing ability. PrintIT have a small sum of 300 per annum for their enterprise spending budget.Opportunities including seasonal greetings cards. A Keynote Market Focus 2008 report (Appendix 14) states that Christmas and New Year cards sector shew the greatest sales in volume terms and a promptly growing population will ensure volume and value growth. separate opportunities include T-shirt Printing which PrintIT could use in the future when they more business.Threats include increase in at Home Printing As mentioned to begin with there are programs available to enable consumers to print for themselves. occurrent Marketing ActivitiesFrom assessing PrintITs current marketing activities, they market in three slip substance Via the Appleby PrintIT website, a quarterly newssheet and distribution of leaflets.According to a modern Measurement of Marketing Effectiveness report, managers now more emphasis on the marketing activities of the organisation. This trend is the aspiration to achieve sustainable profit and founder their own firm to compete harder. See Appendix 15.As explained prior the Internet is used by a vast majority of consumers. PrintIT have a very detailed website with a lot of facitlies available including paraphrase request, services provided, portfolio of work and a price list. This is good service accessibility and a competitive advantage over rivals in the compass of Armagh, as main competitors TrimPrint and Instant Print do not have websites at current, therefore if a consumer was looking for a Printing firm via an online search engine PrintIT would be the only company to fling one. This is a marketing activity which is poseed better than local competitors.From an extensive review of the website there seemed to be no link from PrintIT to the AppleBy Trust. We feel as a beneficence and social enterprise there needs to be a stronger link among the two, this is vital.Newsletters are distributed to existing customers of PrintIT quarterly. This enables them to maintain a relationship with their current customers and act as a tool for customer loyalty and repeat business. Newsletters are valued and an onrush which is popular among marketers. PrintIT newsletters have a corporate formula and are informative in that they show clients who they are supporting by including Trainee News and Trainee of the Month features. It can be used as a marketing strategy to fetch convolutions, new features etc. Two newsletter articles (Appendices 16 17) explain how newsletters are being introduced by companies of all sizes to exit with customers and best prospects and how they are credible for a company with a peculiar(a) budget.PrintIT also distribute leaflets. This is a method of marketing which could be very eff ective for business as this could be a way of advertizing the firm for those that do not know or are conscious(predicate) of it. To prevent customers disposing of it PrintIT could include a discount code or coin off coupon for an extra incentive. Paper is PrintITs forestay therefore leaflets will be very cost effective for the business in distributing to consumers. They are too a good form of communication.Customer AnalysisDemographics of customers show that PrintIT are used by local consumers, beauty salons, hairdressers, pizza places etc. These are small local companies which PrintIt should continue catering for however should consider extending their customer base to local communities, churches, schools and colleges. PrintIT could relieve oneself a bigger public sensation by using sports events at schools etc to advertise the brand. A recent Segmenting tender Fundraisers at a Charity Sport Event journal explains how gentle organizations are increasingly using sport events a s an approach to generate funds and raise awareness. Researchers have suggested that sport events are mainly gentle to volunteer fundraisers because they provide an opportunity to engage in two alpha activities at the same time. This could evitably increase PrintITs customer baseWood, Laura Snelgrove, Ryan Danylchuk, Karen, 2010. Segmenting Volunteer Fundraisers at a Charity Sport Event . daybook of Nonprofit and normal Sector Marketing, 22 (1) p38 Appendix 24For churches, PrintIT could offer to print order of services for weddings and eulogies for funerals. Weddings and funerals are constant therefore printing would always be in demand. See Appendices 21 22 which show that the rate of weddings and deaths in Armagh was particularly high, and bigger compared to other areas in 2008. This would be an opportunity for PrintIt to exploit and use their service to generate more business.http// tp// schools and colleges PrintIT could also offer the service of printing for example school plays, PTA letters and also offer the service of printing coursework for students.In order to reach customers PrintIT could create and deliver a portfolio and welcome pack to the local communities etc to view the work PrintIT offers and does.Price V QualityPrintIt at present charge a low price for printing therefore this could give the impression to consumers that the quality is low therefore an increase in prices could generate thought of higher quality products being offered. PrintIt are a social enterprise and part of a kindliness fund therefore consumers will be automatic to pass on more if they know its for a charity linked brand. See Appendix 18 which explains how cause related marketing can in the absolutely term boost sales immediately and why consumers are willing to pay more for a char ity linked brand.Strahilevitz, Michal, The Effects of Product Type and Doation Magnitude on Willingness to Pay More for a Charity-Linked Brand, Journal of Consumer Psychology, 8 (3) 215-241 1999Marketing StrategyFrom analysing all of the above and looking at alternative marketing perspectives the team concluded that re branding the social enterprise PrintIT by creating a new unwrap, logo and business motto would be the most effective strategy.To provide further information on rebranding, recently rebranded charities were reviewed to enable the team to see the reasoning behind rebrand and also the strategy and approach used in doing so.Examples of RebrandingThe first charity was The Printers Charitable Organisation It changed its fig and introduced a new logo. The charity provides relief for aged or unforesightful people who are or were printers or persons employed or at once worked in the printing or publishing industry.http// aritable-corporation-pcc-rebrands-printing-charity (28 Nov)The corporation changed its piddle to reflect its desire to appeal to a wider group of people and their children in todays Printing, Publishing tradeThe corporation changed its name to The Printing Charity. They said that the interchange printing was inclusive but also built on their bequest of supporting people.http// logo which beolow incorporates the four CMYK printing blocks used in the people of colour printing process. Each block represents one of the four cornerstones Homes, Help, Link and Futures.DownloadsPrintingCharity.logo_.jpgThe charity thought the new name and logo was critical to the people it was hang up to support. The rebranding is also an attempt to raise the profile and increase the number of people it supports financially.Other charities who have rebranded include Help the daysd which rebranded to Age UK, Parkinsons Disease Society which rebranded to Parkinsons UK and Macmillen Cancer Relief which rebranded to Macmillen Cancer Support. This rebrand was very successful, the charity had been underperforming considerably and the rebrand enhanced awareness and helped with publicity. Research has shown rebranding can vary in price and is time consuming.http// RebrandFrom analysing PrintIT,a rebrand of the enterprise was decided. The original name does not specifically imply that it is supporting people with learning difficulties or that is it connected or originated from the AppleBy Trust.A suggestion is that PrintIT change their name to Print4Charity as this is simple and instantly indicates that the enterprise is a company printing for charity. Print4Charity has a meaning which is significantly different from the other traditional printing companies in Armagh and the surrounding area, is relevant to the enterprise and embeds it in the community.According to Hollensen 2003 the role of branding is to distinguish a companys offering and differentiate a particular product/service from its competitors. It creates awareness and helps with the promotion of the product/service. A brand is a complex symbol that signifies a range of ideas.Printing4Charity could lace the enterprises image with customers and communicate value. The rebrand is distinctive and has the potential to gain competitive advantage in the area as making a profit is a factor which is substantial in keeping the enterprise up and running.Hollensen, Svend, Marketing Management, A kindred Approach, 2nd Edition, Pages 409-410From reviewing the enterprises website, newsletter and leaflets there is no distinctive logo and firm slogan. The enterprise strives to help disadvantaged people by providing vocational bringing up therefore the team thought of an attentive firm slogan to match. Keller et al 2009 explains slogans to be those that are an extre mely efficient means to build brand equity.Kotler et al, Marketing Management, European Edition, Pearson, Page 435When designing the logo the fact that Print4Charity is part of the Appleby Trust was considered and that it gives disadvantaged people the opportunity to grow and flourish in real life work experience. Due to this the team created a logo and slogan that incorporates thisPrasentation_Logo_LeafletsThirdDraftPrintIt_Logo.jpgThe new corporate colours used are green, yellow(a) and red which the team felt indicated warmth and displayed professionalism. The Apples link the enterprise to Armagh as they are a distinguishing feature of the city. This could gain customer loyalty.The firm slogan A Chance to Ripen conveys emotion and connects with customers. According to Hollensen 2003 company slogans tell the firms story.Cost of RebrandingRebranding can vary in price and be time consuming however the enterprise will benefit from it hugely in the future and could advertise the new b rand via leaflets etc or use the buses the enterprise has to put the rebranded name no therefore this is a free form of advertising.Rebranding to Print4Charity is an opportunity to exploit and is a chance to really influence the point of the enterprise.Relaunching brand could sharpen the attention of existing and potential usersBradley, Frank, Marketing Management, Providing, communication and Delivering Value, Page 546Other Marketing StrategiesOther marketing strategies that were considered were publicity. The enterprise could get journalists from local newsletters and magazines to write an article about Print4Charity. See Appendices 16 17 which convey why newsletters are an effective form of communication.The enterprise should create an online social network presence in the form of Facebook, Twitter etc. See article in Appendix 20 which explains why social networks are valuable and important for business.The enterprise should also consider acquire involved wi th the Social Economy Network. Its a membership based organisation that draws its membership from Social Economy organisations throughout Northern Ireland. It seeks to build, support and strengthen the Social Economy sector, it is too getting support and recognition by the Assembly.What Is Social Economy?As discussed earlier stronger connection with schools, local clubs etc and friendship at local community and sporting events via trade exhibitions etc of the enterprises work. See Appendix 19 which conveys how a trade exhibition is a good way to market a company.Regarding pricing the enterprise should increase prices because as mentioned earlier consumers are willing to pay a little bit more if its for charity.The product range of the enterprise could be enhanced and broadened via printing seasonal greetings cards etc. See Keynote report as Appendix 14.In conclusion, if all the alternative marketing strategies were implemented PrintIT would see a rebrand to Print4Charity and have a vary of ways in promoting its service and receiving more business. These in effect will contribute more to the enterprises funds which would enable more expenditure for new technology etc in order to move forward and compete in what is a fast changing environment.
Thursday, March 28, 2019
Evaluate Chaucer’s use of irony in the presentation of Courtly Love. :: Free Essay Writer
Evaluate Chaucers use of jeering in the presentation of Courtly Love.The term Courtly discern had non existed in the fourteenth century. Itwas only later coined this in Victorian time, although the beliefexisted when Chaucer was writing. The idea of courtly love is aliterary concept that cannot be applied to real life due to what itentails. It was believed that this type of love is the close powerfuland is the defining experience of human existence. Chaucer uses thisidea in The merchants Tale, but inappropriately. He shows theability for there to be courtly love yet it is not fully carried out.In some circumstances he uses it to create humour in the tale bycreating ironic situations and behaviours with the characters. Thishighlights the problems with the relationships of the Characterswithin the poem.When we are first introduced to January, he is portrayed to be a richand noble man, which makes him ideal for courtly love.A meritorious night, that born was of Pavie,In which he lived in greet prosperiteeWith this limited acquaintance on January, it is possible to see that heis an apt person to be involved in courtly love. This changes,however, as we get to hear to a greater extent about his nature. He is shown tohave followed his bodily delit which is not a prime(a) found in acourtly lover. This then presents the reader with the occurrence that thereis something wrong with the idea of January being the courtly lover inthe tale. This creates irony as the reader sees that it will beinappropriate from the get down and that it will not work out. Iwould argue, that it also enables the audience to dispatch January lessseriously as we can see that he is not meant to be a character that weadmire.January is interested in acquire get married and wants to find himself awife. This is due to the fact that he feels he is getting old and hebelieves that through marriage he will spare himself from hislicentious past. This also does not fit in with courtly love ide a,which is that people will marry because they are in love. January doesfinally cut off a woman and then begins to list the qualities he hasfound in herHir middle small, hire armes longe and sklendre,Hir wise governaunce, hir gentillesse,Although January is describing her appearance, he also brings up herpersonality and mind. This enables the reader to think that this couldbe courtly love because he does not think of her looks only. Bytalking about her mind he appears to be seeing her as his equal.
Not Music To My Ears! :: essays research papers
Not Music To My EarsTodays current music scene has steadily become filled with pre-packaged concourse line slews and singers. This teen oriented pop phenomenon is repulsive. I see the supposed bands and singers for what they really are. They are passing trends made special, just for the teens, with all pick up and no real talent. For their own good, I usher out(p) only apprehend these brainwashed teens lead grow out of this horrible phase. Fabricated bands such as O-Town, N*Sync, and The Backstreet sons exhibit a minimum level of talent. The Backstreet Boys, referred to as BSB, for example were initially actors trying to get a job in Orlando, Florida, a virtual hotbed for aspiring young stars. None had any melodious past history, however they were hired on an audition for a band because they are marketable. As we all know sex appeal has the king to market anything, and teens nominate money to burn on CDs and any product containing the bands name. We have all seen teens at the mall purchasing boy band paraphernalia such as Calendars, mugs, and pens. They will bargain for just about anything with the band name imprinted on it. The bands and record companies adopt their money not in record sales, but in gross form this merchandise. An article from the Montreal Gazette written in July 1998 states that boy bands are a Mass-marketed phenomenon, manufactured for overnight success. Not one of the five members of the BSB mint play a musical instrument. I went to the official Backstreet Boys website and learned that out of over 40 songs they released, the band only wrote three of them. Is it just me, or arent bands supposed to write their own songs and play musical instruments? How they can be referred to as boys in the first place I will never comprehend, they are all men in their twenties. These posers show teenyboppers that it is hunky-dory to be uninspired. Trans Continental president and music producer Lou Perlman has created such Boy bands as The Backstreet Boys and N*Sync. His latest project, an ABC network show in collaboration with MTV called appropriately enough Making the band, has tracked the periodical progress of his latest super group invention O-Town. I have had the unfortunate displeasure of viewing one episode where their voice baby carriage scolds the five men The coach told the members of O-Town they are easily replaceable.
Wednesday, March 27, 2019
Radio and Media Policy :: essays research papers fc
Some may ask why care about(predicate) the tuner and media ( piano tuner) policy? Because the radio shapes our views on the issues that we care most about. alone our opinions are formed by knowledge and while some of that information may come from personal experience, we get much of what we know from the (radio). at that crop must not be a deregulation it would be harmful to us any. Toomeys argument is that radio is a community imaginativeness that is being misused, and she is a making a call to action for hoi polloi to get involved with restoring that resource. According to Billboard Bulletins, one of the most strategic arguments presented by those opposing the deregulation, a garner signed by 30 major recording artists was sent to Michael Powell, chairman of the Federal Communications delegation (FCC). The letter is in response to probable FCC plans to eradicate remaining cross-ownership rules. The letter warns Powell that further deregulation of the radio industry w illing have a negative impact on access to diverse viewpoints and will delay the functioning of our democracy. The artists say that previous radio deregulation has backfired, resulting in reduce marketplace competition, reduced programming diversity and the homogenization of play lists, reduced public access to the airwaves for local programming, and reduced public satisfaction with earreach options. Deregulating the industry will decrease the amount of market place competition. There is little proof that any deregulation of the industry has perpetually lead to increased market competition. Common sense says that there is really no way decreasing the number of competitors on the market will increase competition. According to the Chicago Maroon this possible deregulation stands to destroy six key rules on media ownership limits, including a newspaper/ tv cross-ownership rule (no firm can own a newspaper and TV station in the same market), a cap on radio ownership (no firm can ow n more than 8 radio stations in a single market), and a cap on TV network ownership (no firm can own more than one of the four major TV networks). Removing any or all of these rules would likely unleash a huge wave of consolidation of mercenary media firms and make our schlock-driven and commercially-saturated mass media yet more schlock-driven and commercially-saturated. There can exactly be few who want this deregulation to take place, the owners and shareholders of these billion long horse companies who want to fill their pockets even more full.
Wetland Mitigation: A Failing Attempt at Saving the Wetlands Essay
IntroductionVirtually unknown guardians of the cities surrounding them hidden homes for many species of fish, plants, and animals as well as a unique recreational field of honor to locals and a helpful attraction for tourismthe wetlands have an immeasurable and unacknowledged value to our society. Wetland mitigation began a popular movement in the fresh 80s with a no net loss goal however, the agencies in land are far from close to this goal.Sadly, the wetlands are disappearing at an overwhelming rate according to Esty, the US is losing about 60,000 acres of wetland annually (Esty). Although efforts seat wetland mitigation are meant to be positive(p), the enforcement of wetland mitigation is failing to show positive results. With so many wetlands disappearing there has to be a injury in the mitigation system. Considering mitigation is supposed to prevent development on wetlands, why is it still happening regularly? One main priming is how easy the mitigation process has becom e for developers.When an individual wishes to disrupt the ecosystem of a wetland area, it begins a chain of events referred to as wetland mitigation. This process begins after a lay is chosen for development that is considered protected by section 404 of the United States fairish Water Act. Before construction can begin, a qualified group, referred to as a permittee, is assigned the duty of determining a way to block filling or dredging the wetland area. If there is no other solution indeed the permittee begins discussions of compensatory mitigation. The developer may choose to build a new wetland area, maintain an subsisting wetland, or restore a former wetland to lessen the effects his go through has on the environment. . Generally developers will choose a third troupe ... ...tial And Temporal Patterns In Compensatory Wetland Mitigation. Environmental Management 40.3 (2007) 349-364. GreenFILE. Web. 8 May 2012. sparing Benefits of Wetlands. EPA. Environmental egis Agency, 12 Jan. 2009. Web. 09 May 2012Esty, Amos. Banking On Mitigation. American Scientist 95.2 (2007) 122-123. faculty member Search Elite. Web. 6 May 2012Hampton, Steve. Personal Interview. 1 May 2012Mittal, Anu K. Wetlands Protection Corps Of Engineers Does Not Have An Effective Oversight Approach To get word That Compensatory Mitigation Is Occurring GAO-05-89. GAO Reports (2005) 1.MasterFILE Premier. Web. 6 May 2012.Pittman, Craig. Banking On A LOSS. Planning 73.11 (2007) 4. MasterFILE Premier. Web. 9 May 2012THE ASSOCIATED, PRESS. Builders Can Bank Efforts To Restore Wetlands. New York Times Apr. 2008 17.Newspaper Source Plus. Web. 9 May 2012.
Tuesday, March 26, 2019
Piracy of Technology Essay -- Computers Electronics Papers
plagiarization of Technology The topic that I chose for my website and thesis project is buccaneering of package, music, and video from the Internet and other digital sources. With technology growing at faster rates than ever, this has become a very large problem practically overnight. Even though software product and video piracy has become a huge problem, music feignright infringement has by far overshadowed these two. You can find a brisk article in the news about it almost every twenty-four hour period and every one has an opinion including me. And I will be more than happy to share mine later. I will begin by discussing software piracy. This crime has been around for a long time. Unlike the others, it has been a problem ever since the advent of computers. It also comes in many shapes and sizes. It is also very easy to copy and the duplicate is usually as entire as the original. From the day that a piece of software is created, federal copyright laws automatica lly protect it. The only way that a consumer can copy a piece of copyrighted software is to copy it onto a wiz computer or to make another copy for archival declare oneself only (Computer 2). It is very illegal to copy and sell copyrighted software, and in that respect can be very heavy fines if a violator gets caught. It is considered a federal crime and comes with punishments of up to five years in remit and a $250,000 fine (Computer 2). There are many types of software piracy including soft loading, which is the purchase of a single user software indorse that is then loaded onto many computers (Computer 1). This occurs in the office most frequently. Counterfeiting is qualification and selling fake copies of real software. People also rent software to consumers when they do not have permission from th... ...stm. Computer software buccaneering. 26 March 2003. http// How to Stop Online medical specialty Piracy 9 April 2003. http//www.pan. com/piracy/. MacOpinion In Defense of Piracy 9 April 2003. http// medical specialty Piracy and the Home Audio Recording Act 9 April 2003. http// Music Piracy Report 2002 26 March 2003. http// Music Piracy Can Be Controlled 9 April 2003. http//,aid,16895,00.asp. Software Piracy and the Definition of Shareware 9 April 2003. http// Kazaa Taunts Record Biz Catch Us 9 April 2003. http//,1285,55356,00.html.
Automobile Dependency and the Working Poor Essay -- Poverty
political machine colony and the Working piteousDavid Shipler briefly mentions in The Working Poor that wish of access to a simple machine is one of the factorsthat make purpose and guardianship a job ambitious. A person in select of a job may be un able-bodied to afford a political machine,since simple machine ownership is so expensive, but they may need a car because of urban sprawl and inadequate prevalent get over networks. only if save how serious is the event of car ownership, and how exactly doesunder funded overt trip and urban sprawl contribute to the need to pile on this burden?The costs of car ownership concern motorists greatly, so it isnt difficult to key out information.AAA releases an annual pamphlet and report called Your Driving Costs. Their 2004 brochurereports a composite national average cost of 56.1 cents per mile over 15,000 miles of tearaway(a)annually. This amounts to an annual cost of $8,415. Americans spend more of their income on thei rcars than they do on anything else except for shelter. A reliable car that has been paid for in adept maycost $4,000 annually, but the upfront cost of a car is still great, and few Americans can afford to defilea car outright. This picture is complicated by the fact that few low-income families ar able to afforda new car, which reduces the cost of financing, but these families are in any case likely to have poor creditwhich has the opposite effect. The use cars that they buy are also likely to be less reliable than theaverage, which increases habitue costs. Clearly, owning a car is a huge financial burden. wherefore take iton?The problem is an urban and suburban infrastructure designed to defy cars at theexpense of non-automotive mc and a lack of well-designed, well-funded public transit services. Inthe yea... ...sAmherst. 26 Feb 2006 .Ewing, et al. Measuring Sprawl and its Impact. 2002. Smart evolution America. 10 April2006. .Oppenheimer, Laura. Portland, Ore., Ranks Am ong Least Sprawling Communities in Country.Knight Ridder Tribune Business in the altogethers. 18 October 2002. ABI/ allege Dateline. ProQuest. UnivMass Amherst. 26 February 2006 .Shipler, David K. The Working Poor Invisible in America. 2004. New York Vintage-Random, 2005.Sinha, Kumares C. Sustainability and Urban Public Transportation. Journal of TransportationEngineering 129.4 (Jul-Aug 2003) 331(11). schoolman appear Premier. EBSCO Host. Univ MassAmherst. 26 February 2006 .Your Driving Costs. 2006. AAA Exchange. 26 February 2006. . go Dependency and the Working Poor Essay -- PovertyAutomobile Dependency and the Working PoorDavid Shipler briefly mentions in The Working Poor that lack of access to a car is one of the factorsthat make finding and holding a job difficult. A person in need of a job may be unable to afford a car,since car ownership is so expensive, but they may need a car because of urban sprawl and inadequatepublic transit networks. But just how seri ous is the burden of car ownership, and how exactly doesunder funded public transit and urban sprawl contribute to the need to take on this burden?The costs of car ownership concern motorists greatly, so it isnt difficult to find information.AAA releases an annual brochure and report called Your Driving Costs. Their 2004 brochurereports a composite national average cost of 56.1 cents per mile over 15,000 miles of drivingannually. This amounts to an annual cost of $8,415. Americans spend more of their income on theircars than they do on anything else except for shelter. A reliable car that has been paid for in full maycost $4,000 annually, but the upfront cost of a car is still great, and few Americans can afford to buya car outright. This picture is complicated by the fact that few low-income families are able to afforda new car, which reduces the cost of financing, but these families are also likely to have poor creditwhich has the opposite effect. The used cars that they buy are a lso likely to be less reliable than theaverage, which increases repair costs. Clearly, owning a car is a huge financial burden. Why take iton?The problem is an urban and suburban infrastructure designed to accommodate cars at theexpense of non-automotive mc and a lack of well-designed, well-funded public transit services. Inthe yea... ...sAmherst. 26 Feb 2006 .Ewing, et al. Measuring Sprawl and its Impact. 2002. Smart Growth America. 10 April2006. .Oppenheimer, Laura. Portland, Ore., Ranks Among Least Sprawling Communities in Country.Knight Ridder Tribune Business News. 18 October 2002. ABI/INFORM Dateline. ProQuest. UnivMass Amherst. 26 February 2006 .Shipler, David K. The Working Poor Invisible in America. 2004. New York Vintage-Random, 2005.Sinha, Kumares C. Sustainability and Urban Public Transportation. Journal of TransportationEngineering 129.4 (Jul-Aug 2003) 331(11). Academic Search Premier. EBSCO Host. Univ MassAmherst. 26 February 2006 .Your Driving Costs. 2006. AAA Exchan ge. 26 February 2006. .
Monday, March 25, 2019
Repetitive Strain Injury Essay -- Health, Musculoskeletal Injury
crying strain crack is a term that encompasses a broad cultivate of musculoskeletal conditions that usually occur in sedentary serveers. The musculoskeletal injury occurs due to an accumulation of microtrauma caused by repeated soft tissue fleece (Ratzlaff 2007). In other words, tissues in the carcass be repeatedly wound with each injury being minor but, cumulatively, causing serious disorder and damage to the body. Repetitive strain injury is not new phenomenon. It was showtime reported in the azoic 1900s as telegraphic agents cramp in men who operated Morse keys (Youngson 2005). As the micturate suggests, instant strain injury affect those who perform repeated tasks for pine periods of time. Most people affected are those who spend the majority of their work day sitting at a desk or using a computer. Other groups who frequently suffer from repetitive strain injury are those who use a particular muscle or group of muscles repeatedly such as musicians, knitter s, and sewers. Factors contributing to repetitive strain injury are repeated use of same muscles, poor posture and sitting for desire periods of time.Manifested primarily as pain in the forearm, shoulder or neck, repetitive strain injury is more putting surface in women, tall people, smokers or those who are overweight. (Youngson 2005). Symptoms accommodate pain anywhere in the fingers, hands, arms or upper spine. Repetitive strain injuries usually begin gradually and happen through distinct stages (Youngson 2005) and are easily manageable in the early stages. It is important to recognize the symptoms and treat early. Carpal tunnel syndrome is the most common type of repetitive strain injury and results from compression of the median governance as it traverses the carpal tunnel ... ...biofeedback. A third treatment ordinarily used is an ergonomic approach. This involves the minimization of exposure to risk factors in the workplace. unitary method of achieving this is by the altering or replacement of equipment that is causing the injury. some(prenominal) types of ergonomic keyboards are available for computer users which reduce the stress placed on the hands and wrists. Employees workstations can be altered to include equipment such as desks and chairs that help maintain proper posture reduce stress to the arms, upper torso, and neck. Frequent rest breaks are also back up by experts to minimize strain to all parts of the body. Repetitive strain injury is a condition that can affect a soul of any age, gender, or race. Activities and tasks that seem insignificant, when performed repeatedly, have to ability to damage the body if left untreated.
Technology Changing the Workforce Essay -- essays research papers
Technology and social change go hand-in-hand with the advancement of the workforce ball club within the last decade. Thanks to new technological breakthroughs emerging on a regular basis, the way we view employment has changed drastically compared to those of days before us. Dating back to the 1400s, Johan Gutenberg revolutionized the world as we know it forthwith by developing the printing press. Today, we take such things for granted only when it is writing that makes it possible to spread knowledge, communication, and ideas over such a good body of population.With the staggering developing of print, other inventions began emerging. Thanks to some amazing innovatists, the radio, television, telephone, and now directly, the Internet, have all been established. Not only have these inventions modify our personal lives, but have changed the way the job industry has been carry through for years. However, probably the biggest change these inventions have had in our society abil ity to make water an education. A college degree is almost a necessity in todays workforce. Todays technologically advanced economy urgently needs those who are trained in specialized areas ranging from analyzing molecular genetic information to programming a database for a large company. Once at that place was a time when steel mills and assembly lines ruled the economy. Poor, unskilled men with amazing work ethics ruled the workforce. These men, and women, worked 60 instant wor...
Sunday, March 24, 2019
The Talented Freak Essay -- Music, Lady Gaga, Sex
The melody industry has taken a wrong turn, and it affects our new generation medicinal drug videos becoming more like pornographic trailers causing men and women to exteriorize each other as a rouse object. According to Camille Paglia (lecturer, educator, and feminist) in Lady Gaga and The Death of Sex, Hollywood dis reared that agitate was commodious box office (2). Because sex sells, it is a market technique utilise by record companies to sell more record. So does sex employment really empower women? In Paglias article, Madonna I animal nature and Artifice, she claims that dominatrix (used by Madonna) empowers women, and it should be praised by all fe virile musicians (89). I consort to Paglias claim that sexuality sometimes empower rather than play women to act sluttish however, in music, I believe the line surrounded by a woman using sexuality and promoting herself as an object is unmarked because it changes depend on who dominate. When male musicians dominate a cert ain fiber of genre (hip-hop), many new musicians (women included) degrade women to jumpstart their career because sex sell. For instance, before Nicki Minaj gets famous, she started her career by corrupting women in her mix tape, Sucka Free, cover picture because most people think hip-hop is only male profession, and it has little respect for women because mostly men listen to hip-hop. And so for womanly rappers to get the attention from those men, she has to jumpstart her career by using her sex appeal image. In addition to her degrading cover stir up, that might caused early days women in our society to accept it as a norm, she was criticized by many because that posture was non only inappropriate, but it was copied from Lil Kim. In fact, it was the same pose Lil Kim uses on one of her older cover... ...a blame Gaga for killing sex. Personally, I think Paglia argument that blames Gaga for not being sexy did not explain enough about Gaga who know how to play piano, compile music, sing great live, dance, and make fashion (Needham 2). It mostly comparison to her long-term crush (Needham 2) Madonna who is, as Paglia stated, the future of feminism (Madonna I Animality and Artifice 90) now seems marooned in the past (Needham 2). boilers suit Gaga is empowering everyone respect each other and love themselves, unlike Rihanna who exploiting women to be a slave for men. I believe Rihanna not only degrading women but also exploiting kids by sing to them inappropriate song for their age. irrespective if number of musicians like Rihanna increase, I think Gaga will give far more success than musicians who choose to follow rather than lead.
One Love A Look into the Life of Bob Marley Essay -- Essays Papers
One Love A Look into the Life of Bob MarleyOne Love Bob Marley is a name most people know but his accomplishments and dedication to medical specialty is often overlooked. Bob was more than just a reggae artist he was an inspiration to country of Jamaica. He was role model to the poverty smitten island and gave hope to many people. He was a god. His influence spread nearly the world. His dreams are still alive and will live on in the hearts of his people. Bob Marley was born on February 6, 1945 in his grandfathers house. He was the son of a poor farm girl and a British naval Captain who fell in love. Soon later on his birth Bobs father, Norval Marley left his mother leaving her a son to raise. He remained responsible and provided financial support and occasionally came screening to see them. In the 50s a depression impress Jamaica and Bob followed his mother to West Kingston otherwise known as Trenchtown. It was in Trenchtown were Bobs love for music began. He and hi s mavin Neville Livingstone or Bunny began to attend music classes. Through the classes the two happen Peter McIntosh and they formed the Wailing Wailers. The band recorded their first birdcall in 1962, Judge Not. From there he started a record articulate Tuff Gong and recorded over 20 albums.Bob had a huge influence on society through his music. He advance people to rise up against the unfair government officials in songs such a Crazy Baldheads and Get up Stand up. A baldhead is a term for anyone not a Rast...
Saturday, March 23, 2019
islam in the united states Essay -- essays research papers
The biased and discrimination in United States have constantly been done with the minority. Islamics have always been a minority in this rural throughout time. They have faced discrimination in society and peculiarly from the government and media. I believe that hatful running this country be Anti Islamic receivable to there view on things. also this is a Zionist country, which is another reason that makes the media discriminate against the Muslims, due to the deviation with Palestine and other Muslim countries. The media has always envisioned Islam in a negative way. The reason the media is biased when it comes to Islam because they hate the Islamic body structure and the beliefs. The majority of media conglomerate ownership is of people who consider themselves as Zionists. They are the big owners and of course will want to get their views across in any way possible, even if that means to discriminate a definite group of people. One of the biggest reason this country i s against Islam, is because of the Islams Social System. It is genuinely different thusly how this country wants you to live your life. Another reason which this conflict occurs is because due to the fact that you cant find further truth then the Quran compared to Bible or Torah or any other books. whole three of them are books of GOD, and his message. Torah is known as the old testament, then cam e the Bible, new testament, and Quran is the final testament and has the final message which is a lot easier to follow, making Islam the fastest growing religion of United States and also the world. That is wherefore Islam is hated by the western world and is always portrayed as a killer disease. Promoting Islam is all for violence and kill people and how the term JIHAD is so misused in todays western society. Without knowing or having two bits of knowledge of Islam, that this religious revolves around PEACE. The social system in Islam is geared towards the preservation of the human r ace. It is unequivocally built around the concepts of responsibility. Unlike the capitalistic concept of 50% dual-lane activity, Islam defines the specific duties of each person and holds him or her equally important in the progress of society. Social disease such as crime and violence, drugs and alcoholism, profane and sexual harassment, teenage pregnancy and homosexuality are the norms of the Western life. Islam provides a strong foundation for a high... ...e help of United States. Saddam ibn Talal Hussein was helped border in power by United States. Mohammad Karzi the president of Afghanistan was put in power by United States. These people who are put leaders in Islamic countires are against Islam and its belief that is why the media portrays Islam in the most negative way possible, because the government pretty some(prenominal) runs the Media. 1. Nizam al-Din al-Naysaburi, Gharaib al-Quran wa Raghaib al-Furqan, Cairo, 1962 Ibn Abi Dawud, Kitab al-Masaahif, p.12, in Arthur Jeffery, Materials for the History of the Text of the Quran, Leiden Brill, 1937 and Badr al-Din al-Zarkashi, Al-Burhan fi Ulum al-Quran, Cairo, 1957, Vol.1, p.240 respectively2. Islamic SOCIAL SYSTEM. 20 August 1997. IBN MUHAMMAD. 30 Nov. 2004 3. Nonviolent Action and deuce-ace Party Role in Islamic World. 20 October 2000. Sezai Ozcelik. George Mason University/ add for Conflict Analysis and Resolution.. 30 Nov. 2004. http// Material on the Authenticity of the Quran. 1998, 1999, 2000 Muslim Answers. Abdur-Raheem Green. 30 Nov 2004. http// The Holy Book of Quran. The citations are given.
Consequences: the Cause and Effect of Drug Use Essay -- Health Drugs N
The use of medicates has become a very contentious topic in society straight off. As the problem of use drugs continues to wax daily, the understanding of the user must be made aware of. In general, addicts show a direct link between taking drugs and pain from their effects. People ill-treat drugs for a wide variety of reasons. In more or less cases, the use of drugs will serve a type of purpose or will give some kind of reward. These reasons for use will differ with different kinds of drugs. Three common examples are marihuana, speed, and cocaine. Various reasons for using the amount can be for pain relief, depression, anxiety and weariness, acceptance into a peer group, religion, and much more. Although reasons for using may vary for severally several(prenominal), it is known by totally that consequences of the abuse do exist. It is only further down the creese in which after effects of using can be seen.Reasons for using drugs depend on the type of substance being taken. Marijuana, speed, and cocaine all fall under the same category, but show different causes for use. Symptoms of each example contrasts as well. Since each of these have different effects with use, the individual will take the drug that can best resolve his problems or needs.Marijuana is used for many reasons. Causes for use will either be used either illegally or medicinally. The motive for smoking marijuana unlawfully depends on the user. First of all, unlawful smoking of marijuana is through with(p) for several reasons. These include peer pressure inside and out of school, the lust to relax from stress, and to even identify themselves with popular media icons. The effects of the substance in any case cause symptoms that seem to be highly desirably. When smoking marijuana, a wizard of mood lift is ... as users seek the high that was involved with the rootage use of cocaine. Drugs are used by commonwealth as a way out when feeling down about themselves. As effect s may stay the same throughout, causes show that there are a large number of reasons for use. Being lonely, isolated, and frustrated in life economic aid start off the drive to escape. In many cases, using drugs is a coping mechanism, especially in kids. Emotions become numb as multitude try to escape the pain of reality. This is seen in the youth generation of today as everyday pressures are placed on them. Drug abuse makes people thing that they are recreating their former negative self image. This disaffected action gives the attention that is desired. From trying to fit in to hiding from problems, people will always have a choice. In the end, reality of drug use is that it will cause addicts to lose everything.
Friday, March 22, 2019
Comparing Satire in Babbitt by Sinclair Lewis and The Simpsons Essay
The Power of jeering in line and The Simpsons Sinclair Lewis apply his writing to promote the enrichment of American society by attacking the weaknesses he perceived in his era. His most notable work, Babbitt, is a ridicule on the midriff class lifestyle and attitude of the 1920s. Lewis satiric style and vocalization is comparable to the modern television series The Simpsons, compose by lethargy Groening. Babbitt and The Simpsons contain numerous similarities in satirical writing, presentation and commentary. categoric Groening satirizes many modern situations with his style and characterization in The Simpsons that are similar to the conditions in Babbitt. The Simpsons represent the pinnacle of how Lewis opinions are assuage alive in todays world. Lewis uses both the effects of direct and indirect satire. Lewis is a realistic ridiculer who, like many others, can ...utilize their vast at premiere hand knowledge of the significant they describe and thei r sensitive ear for dialogue to hold in the illusion of truth (Feinburg 61). Lewis firsthand knowledge is seen through the use of the parson Mike Monday in Babbitt, which is a satirical poke at the diplomatic minister Billie Sunday of his magazine which would be unknown to him unless he knew the current events of his era. Lewis first presents an obviously nonviable end idea through a senseless character, then has it refuted by an outside voice of reason, only to have the overlord character praise and defend the idea until he likely fails or realizes his blunder (Feinburg 92). This part of interaction can be seen in Babbitt through a conversation between George and Myra. Babbitt begins by argue his new build liberalism and denouncing the Good Citizens Leagu... the greatest ongoing modern satire of our time (Whitbourn and Kim 1). The cardinal shall never be forgotten as their sayings, Oh by gee, by gosh, by jingo, and Doh will continue to ring out of Amer icas middle class endlessly (Lewis 13). Works Cited Carlisle, Henry C., ed. American Satire in Prose and Verse. new-fashioned York ergodic House, 1962. Feinburg, Leonard. Introduction to Satire. Ames, Iowa The Iowa State University Press, 1967. Groening, Matt. The Simpsons A Complete pass on to Our Favorite Family. Ed. cock Richmond. New York HarperPerrenial, 1997. Kim, James, and Cade Whitbourn. The Simpsons. Matt Groening. 1998. School of Media and Communication. 23 Nov 2002. <http//>. Lewis, Sinclair. Babbitt. 1922. New York Signet Classic, 1998. Comparing Satire in Babbitt by Sinclair Lewis and The Simpsons EssayThe Power of Satire in Babbitt and The Simpsons Sinclair Lewis used his writing to promote the enrichment of American society by attacking the weaknesses he perceived in his era. His most notable work, Babbitt, is a satire on the middle class lifestyle and attitud e of the 1920s. Lewis satirical style and voice is comparable to the modern television series The Simpsons, written by Matt Groening. Babbitt and The Simpsons contain numerous similarities in satirical writing, presentation and commentary. Matt Groening satirizes many modern situations with his style and characterization in The Simpsons that are similar to the conditions in Babbitt. The Simpsons represent the pinnacle of how Lewis opinions are still alive in todays world. Lewis uses both the effects of direct and indirect satire. Lewis is a realistic satirist who, like many others, can ...utilize their vast firsthand knowledge of the material they describe and their sensitive ear for dialogue to support the illusion of reality (Feinburg 61). Lewis firsthand knowledge is seen through the use of the minister Mike Monday in Babbitt, which is a satirical poke at the minister Billie Sunday of his time which would be unknown to him unless he knew the current events of his era. Lewis first presents an obviously dead end idea through a foolish character, then has it refuted by an outside voice of reason, only to have the original character praise and defend the idea until he likely fails or realizes his blunder (Feinburg 92). This type of interaction can be seen in Babbitt through a conversation between George and Myra. Babbitt begins by defending his new found liberalism and denouncing the Good Citizens Leagu... the greatest ongoing modern satire of our time (Whitbourn and Kim 1). The two shall never be forgotten as their sayings, Oh by gee, by gosh, by jingo, and Doh will continue to ring out of Americas middle class forever (Lewis 13). Works Cited Carlisle, Henry C., ed. American Satire in Prose and Verse. New York Random House, 1962. Feinburg, Leonard. Introduction to Satire. Ames, Iowa The Iowa State University Press, 1967. Groening, Matt. The Simpsons A Complete Guide to Our Favorite Family. Ed. Ray Richmond. New York HarperP errenial, 1997. Kim, James, and Cade Whitbourn. The Simpsons. Matt Groening. 1998. School of Media and Communication. 23 Nov 2002. <http//>. Lewis, Sinclair. Babbitt. 1922. New York Signet Classic, 1998.
Flowers For Algernon :: essays research papers
Flowers For Algernon cut acrossFlowers for Algernon is ab step up a man named Charlie Gordon who is ment totallyy retarded. Charlie signs up for an experiment that is mantic to make him smarter. He wants to be like every one else. To do the experiment he has to keep a journal showing his progress. Charlie starts out spelling almost every word wrong. Charlies family and friends have all made fun of him his parents gave him to his uncle when he was ten. The experiment starts to work and Charlie gets smarter and he starts realizing invigorated things. Before the feat his conception and his brain werent working that well. His imagination started to work for the for the first time time when he got this operation. Now that he was smart, he could quit his old job of working as a janitor at a bakery and start working for the hospital full time. Charlie soon becomes aware that his smartness may not stay forever, that he force lose his genius. He starts to research the experiment himse lf. He studies a slight mouse named Algernon who they did the experiment on first. Charlie starts to become attached to the little black-and-blue mouse. Together they are the smartest of their species. When Charlie and Algernon have to go Chicago for an interview, Charlie gets so preclude at how all the scientists are talking as if before the operation Charlie wasnt a real person. In his frustration he by the bye on purpose let Algernon go. The scientists freaked out and started looking for Algernon. They were in a huge building and most of the doors in the room they were in were open. Charlie was the first to find Algernon, and he put Algernon in his pocket and left the building. They went to the airport and flew home, leaving the scientists baffled as to where Algernon was.Charlie worked hard trying to discover how capacious his smartness would last. While studying Algernon, he noticed that he was comely more jumpy and that he would attack Charlie sometimes. Charlie wondere d whether this was because of the experiment. Algernon got worse and he refused to do the mazes and to work. After a few weeks Algernon died. Tests showed that Algernons brain had started to shrink, causing him to die.Charlies intelligence started to fall. Slowly he lost it all, from foreign languages to math equations to reading material and writing.
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