Tuesday, February 25, 2020
Twelve Angry Men Analysis Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Twelve Angry Men Analysis Paper - Essay Example At the start of their deliberations, all the jurors pass a guilty verdict against the defendant except one juror. This forces the juror to examine the evidence and after tireless arguments, they emerge with a not guilty verdict. Analysis Due process is one of the major principles of American jurisprudence, which is enshrined in the fifth amendment of the constitution. Due process requires that no person be detained to respond for a capital, or an infamous offense, except on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury. Before a person is convicted on a criminal offence, due process requires that the Jury come to a unanimous decision. Lack of a unanimous guilty verdict in the first vote in Twelve Angry men, ensures that the jury re-examines the evidence until not all of them vote guilty as their verdict. This is to ensure that the correct verdict has been reached which is a sign of agreement by all the jurors, solidarity, and unity and to prove that the decision lacks any doubt. A unan imous decision will also ensure that the accused does not face another trial (Siegel, Schmalleger and Worrall 39). Due process also requires that the prosecution prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt to ensure that the jury returns a conviction of guilty. In case the Prosecution fails to prove its case beyond reasonable doubt, then the defendant will always be acquitted. Proving guilt beyond reasonable doubt also ensures that the prosecution has given enough evidence to show that evidence establishes a particular point to a moral certainty and that it is beyond dispute that any reasonable alternative is possible (Siegel, Schmalleger and Worrall 44). The prosecution could not prove their case beyond reasonable doubt in Twelve Angry Men hence the jury’s decision to come back with a not guilty verdict. Due process of law requires a presumption of innocence by the government on a criminal in case of lack of any contrary evidence. Presumption of innocence is applied in due process to ensure that the government proves the case of the defendant beyond reasonable doubt. The defendant in this case is presumed innocent before the hearing and when due process takes effect, he is found not guilty because the prosecution’s case could not be proved beyond reasonable doubt. A defendant in any criminal case has a right to a jury of his peers. This ensures that the defendant gets a fair verdict, which will be morally held and cannot be contested (Siegel, Schmalleger and Worrall 56). One of the jurors who voted the defendant guilty at first is juror 3. He has preconceived notions about the case and quite antagonistic to juror 8 who votes not guilty. He is a temperamental man who loses his temper whenever anyone opposes his ideas. He has a bad relationship with his son and this makes him to judge the defendant guilty for his crime due to his problems at home. He argues that based on the evidence provided, the case was simple and straightforward thus his conviction that the defendant is guilty. He however changes his mind and is the last person to vote not guilty after coming to terms with his problem. Juror 10, Ed Begley is one of the jurors who show prejudice in terms of his judgment. He votes guilty at the start because he believes that the defendant comes from the ghetto and people from the ghetto kill
Sunday, February 9, 2020
Finance and Accounting Assignment Math Problem Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Finance and Accounting Assignment - Math Problem Example Since in this case, the payment is done at the beginning of the period every time, hence it is a case of an immediate annuity as each yearly payment is allowable to compound for an additional year as compared to the normal annuity case. In this context, Future Value of Annuity = A [{(1+i) ^n -1} / i] (Finance Formulas., n.d.) Where, A= Annual payment, i= interest rate per year, n= number of periods As in this case, each annual payment is completed at the start of each period, the same is allowed to compound for one extra period and hence its future value would be the product of value of a matching normal annuity and (1+ interest rate). Future Value of Annuity Due = (1+i) * A [{(1+i)^n -1} / i ] (Finance Formulas., n.d.) The 65th birthday is the day the person wants to have $2 million in the savings account. It should also be kept in mind that a payment is made even on the last day i.e. on the 65th birthday. This last payment does not get a chance to be compounded and has to be simply added to the compounded value of the earlier made 35 payments. In the Future Value of Annuity Due formulae, it has to be noted that the last cash payment is made one year prior to the end of the 35th year. Keeping in mind that a payment will be made even on the last day of 35 year period, the formulae for calculating the required annual payment would be, Future Value, FV = (1+i) * A [{(1+i)^n -1} / i ] + A A = F/ [ {((1+i)^n-1)/i} * (1+i) +1] It is decided that the person needs $2 million at the end of 35 years period, so in this scenario the Future Value would be $2 million. In this case, FV= $2000000, i= 5%, n= 35 years. Putting these values in the above equation, Annual Payment, A = 20,868.91 = $ 20,870 (approx) Thus, the person has to put aside $ 20,869 (approx) each year to make sure that he has $ 2 million in the savings account on the 65th birthday. Problem 36 The person realizes that since the income would increase over the years it would be advisable to save less now and m ore in the later years. Thus, instead of putting the same amount aside, the person has altered his plans to let the amount to be set aside grow by 3% per year. This is a case of growing annuity which is similar to annuity as both ends after a certain period, however, growing annuity payments increase at a fixed constant rate unlike the annuity. It should be noted that since the first annual payment to the savings account is made today and continuing to do so on each birthday up to as well as including the 65th birthday, the number of periods would be 36. The formula for Future Value of Growing Annuity is, FV = A [{(1+i)^n – (1+g)^n } / (i-g) ] (Finance Formulas., n.d.) Where A= First payment, i= interest rate, g= growth rate, n= number of periods Hence, The First Payment, A = FV * [(i-g)/ {(1+i)^n – (1+g)^n }] Here, FV= $2000000, i = 5%, g = 3%, n = 36. Putting these values in the above equation, First Payment = 13,823.91 = $ 13,824 (approx) Thus, the person will have to put $ 13,824 (approx) into the savings account today and keep on increasing the succeeding payments at a growth rate of 3% per year in order to get $ 2 million in the savings account on the 65th birthday. References Finance Formulas. (n.d.). Future Value of Annuity. Retrieved July 14, 2011, from
Saturday, February 8, 2020
College Essay Tips
College Essay TipsWhen you are asked to write a college essay, you may well need to know some college essay tips to get the best out of the experience. They help students not only to prepare for the test, but also stimulate thought and create lasting memories. Studying the 'rules' of grammar and basic word usage can help you write a better essay. This will increase your chances of landing an A+ grade.One essay tip will provide you with some important techniques to help you avoid common mistakes. When you are asked to give an essay response, you should write with clarity. There are two ways to express yourself in written words. This is the first essay tip.The second tip will help you use different styles of writing to make your essay stronger. Keep the style consistent throughout the essay, whether the teacher is asking you to use a literary style or a colloquial style. You should also make the essay more interesting by using specific examples and proper grammar.Writing a college essa y means that you are going to be doing research. Some colleges require that you write a research paper. Others will accept essays that you submit for consideration as part of the college admissions process. Writing an essay is a great way to learn about the school and what it has to offer.Writing an essay can be a real challenge for students who are not writers. One good college essay tip is to build up your vocabulary. One essay tip is to avoid the verb 'is.' Another essay tip is to be prepared with writing samples that help you express yourself clearly.The first essay tip to help you prepare for a college essay is to write with the research in mind. If you are required to write an essay that discusses a specific topic, it is important to begin with the research. You should find a topic that will be interesting to the person reading your essay. Then you should do the research on your topic and write an essay on that topic.The second essay tip to help you write an essay is to choose an interesting topic. It is also important to select an area of the curriculum that interests you. You may be required to write an essay about a specific history, or a specific body of study. The research tip will help you think of a topic that you are interested in and write a clear essay response.
Thursday, February 6, 2020
A Easy Trick for A Narrative Essay Is a Piece of Writing That Revealed
A Easy Trick for A Narrative Essay Is a Piece of Writing That Revealed Still, there are a few basic pieces your narrative should have if you'd like to practice decent story telling. Telling a story isn't always straightforward and telling a good story is even harder. Keep in mind that the story that you're going to write about isn't plainly a story to be told, it has to get a meaning and has to provide details clearly as to support, explain and boost the story. A fantastic engaging story is dependent on words. If you would like to be a very good writer, you have to become accustomed to letting your babies go when they can't fend for themselves. When you have grabbed the interest of your readers, now you can begin your story. As a narrative writer, you've got to consider a topic which can be shared with the world. Generally, the author himself plays the use of a narrator. Without turning points, narrative essays run the potential of floating the exact emotion over the whole path of the text. The readers would like to know the reason for the behavior of the characters. A descriptive article is a superb medium of expression if you've got an artistic bend of mind together with vivid imagination. The Narrative Essay Is a Piece of Writing That Game Every time you're requested to tell a story you're expected to think of new, fresh ideas. Again, just like vertical time, it's important to keep the story moving. The perfect way to keep your story focused is to get a program. Unless the story is all about time travel, the response is no. The End of a Narrative Essay Is a Piece of Writing That 1 final component of narrative writing is perspective. In classical rhetoric, it is one of the exercises known as the progymnasmata. Without events, there isn't any narrative. The narrative is extremely personal, and that means you should underline the importance of the ongoing events for your identity. Identify the experience you want to write about. It is possible to discuss the method by which the experience that you shared in your essay could affect the future. There is nobody approach to compose a narrative essay, but there are some best practices you can follow. It is better to compose an essay about a specific event in your life rather than simply describing a time-period generally speaking. Readers of a narrative essay needs to be in a position to recognize the most critical event in the story. It can be organized in a number of thematic or formal. Writin g a prosperous thesis can be challenging for virtually any writer. Since the content of narratives essay can vary when it has to do with various institutions, we've resolved to supply you with examples in the event you face an issue. Employing dialogue is a huge way to start off your essay. Creating an outline is a significant portion of an excellent narrative essay. There are lots of things to write about, and that's the reason why we have such a fantastic assortment of essay types. Don't utilize complex terms your readers require a dictionary or thesaurus to comprehend. If you need an example written by means of a student check out our vast selection of absolutely free student models. Looking for narrative essay help, students wish to come across an honest support. Outline the plot prior to beginning your writing. Keep in mind that although the most important element of a narrative is the story, details have to be carefully selected to support, explain, and boost the story. So, it's a remarkable foundation for assorted epic stories! Usually in addition, there are specific varieties of characters needed as a way to create a developed story. Deciding upon the topic for your essay could possibly be th e hardest part. Also, it should be written according to the universal rules of grammar and literature. Narrative essays shouldn't be cookie-cutter response pieces. Narrative Descriptive Essay WritingNarrative essays are among the four significant essay types. Conduct additional research to make certain that your essay does not have any spelling and grammatical mistakes. Since you may see, the narrative essay isn't complicated whatsoever. Without any of them, you are unable to compose an excellent narrative essay. Most narrative essays are written in the very first person pronoun as it is more engaging. The Narrative Essay Is a Piece of Writing That Game Every precise detail matters if you would like to assemble a decent narrative essay. Your story doesn't have to be too serious in the event the subject isn't tough. When it has to do with narrative essay topics, there are many things you have to take into consideration. The subject of the narrative essay usually indicates the writer's experience and there is absolutely no need to use any data from the outside sources.
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
The Appeal of How Many Hours Should Be Put into a College Essay
The Appeal of How Many Hours Should Be Put into a College Essay The One Thing to Do for How Many Hours Should Be Put into a College Essay When most colleges do not need community service for admission, there continue to be many advantages to participating, including showing colleges that you're involved beyond academic courses, providing you the opportunity to bring in leadership positions and awards, and, most significantly, positively contributing to your community. Besides possessing academic prowess, students who get the absolute most out of college is aware of what they want and are eager to work for it. Some individuals think that a scholarship ought to be payment enough. Scholarships are not anything more than a recruitment tactic. How Many Hours Should Be Put into a College Essay - What Is It? Keeping a calendar, either by employing an app or an authentic month-to-month planner notebook, will be able to help you record all your key dates the moment you find them out. College application essays require that you stick to a prompt or question. Expect to compose a lengthy paper in the majority of your classes. Knowing if you must compose an essay early on can help you keep a strict calendar of deadlines. Having said you don't worry nowadays! Next, because you frequently miss class and are fighting to continue to keep your grades up, you own a tutoring session. Copyright 2019 Once you are able to visualize all the work that you need to do in a particular time period, you can create a plan for how you're likely to complete it. If you set in just a little bit of effort to become organized, you can manage all your studies and still have enough time to enjoy yourself, too. Make sure to get hold of the college to determine if adding something like this to your application is suitable. For instance, if you know you own a test on a particular date, you can plan for how you're likely to study it. The Battle Over How Many Hours Should Be Put into a College Essay and How to Win It Many college applicants make the error of attempting to incorporate all their accomplishments and activities in their application essays. There's some controversy about the value of the college essay but, for the time being, it's a mandatory inclusion for the majority of applications so that you should choose the opportunity to learn what you need to and ought not to include in your essay for the best outcomes. Your admission essay offers you the chance to personalize your program, and admission committees can learn about your leadership abilities and character. The college admission essay provides the university an opportunity to acquire an awareness of the applicant that might not be apparent in different parts of the application, including admissions tests scores and GPAs. To understand how to compose an essay, one has to get a good comprehension of his subject. If you currently have a title of your essay, you should speak with your teacher or instructor and see whether your title is relevant and a good one. While you are certainly able to read sample essays to have a sense of how they ought to be written, you are going to want to highlight your own distinct style, viewpoints and achievements. Every essay demands an intro, a human body and a conclusion. The Upside to How Many Hours Should Be Put into a College Essay You also ought to make sure your essay is coherent your ideas flow and your arguments make sense. You ought to be able to plan the argument structure. By doing this you will be sure your arguments are cohesive and clear. Each argument must have a comprehensive plan. Where to Find How Many Hours Should Be Put into a College Essay It's also advisable to plug time in your schedule for fun events that haven't a thing to do with your co llege workload also, like attending sporting events, plays, and other pursuits. Colleges are not going to expect that each and every activity you list took up several hours weekly. You've got to compose several academic papers over the duration of a year. Allow it to sit for a couple days untouched. Don't forget to keep on topic with what the college is searching for in the essay too. The sports essay is predictable and ought to be avoided, if at all possible. Continue reading to learn more regarding the significance of college admission essays. You may even check out several reviews and opt for the business that is most suitable for your requirements and very affordable budget. There are additional sections on your application where you might desire to describe your community support. It's extremely important to read carefully essay services reviews, because you wish to steer clear of low high quality services. Many individual college supplements ask questions regarding community service too. As soon as your essay is finished, it's advisable to have an extra set of eyes review it. In the same way, when you have a significant class project due, like an essay or written report, you can schedule time for when you're likely to finish that work also. For instance, if you've got sufficient time left for the preparation of a paper on a neighborhood political event, you may have the ability to attend the event and speak to the participants. Whether it is a poem, a random stream of thoughts, sarcasm, or some other sort of writing as a way to feel more creative, it isn't always the ideal idea.
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