Thursday, January 30, 2020
No to Gmo Essay Example for Free
No to Gmo Essay No to GMO Genetically modified foods are foods or plants that have been modified by researchers and scientists to improve the growth and development process. This idea was first introduced in 1982 and now has become widespread in use, especially in the US. This technology is sometimes referred to as â€Å"gene technology†or â€Å"genetic engineering†(WHO). All genetically modified foods are produced in a laboratory to â€Å"enhance its biological feature†(Godiff). This is not healthy. GM foods have the potential to pose major health risks for humans. The three major issues of concern for human health are allergenicity, gene transfer, and outcrossing. Genetically modified foods also pose risks to the environment, such as the possibility of species extinction (WHO). These foods are being produced because they seem to be advantageous. They seem to bring promise of lower prices and better quality. The whole purpose of genetically modified food(s) is to improve crop production by resisting unwanted insect damage, viral infections, and tolerating certain herbicides; however, this is not the result of GM foods (WHO). Cost, safety, property rights, and potential environmental danger all must be properly addressed and assessed. But perhaps they are being addressed in all the wrong ways. One of the biggest overall concerns, aside from human health, is for the environment. First, there is a fear that the GMO’s may â€Å"escape†and introduce the engineered genes into wild populations (WHO). This means the modified genes could alter plants and animals that were not meant to be altered. This leads into another big issue, insects that may not be pests will become susceptible to the gene product, causing death throughout various insect populations. That might mean the very insects that help plant growth and provide essential nutrients, will die off. A study showed that the pollen from genetically modified corn caused high death rates in monarch butterfly caterpillars (Godiff). Monarch butterflies are already a near threatened species. If we continue to grow these crops, we could risk endangering not only the magnificent Monarch butterfly, but other species as well. This is a big problem. The first of the major concerns for human health is allergenicity. Allergenicity is a problem because there are possibilities that a new allergen could be pr oduced along with the new gene, meaning that it could produce even more things to be allergic to (Godiff). Because so many people are allergic to different types of food, this seems to raise the most concern. Not only is it bad that allergenicity is a concern, it is even worse that there is no reliable way to test the product for allergies (Pusztai). The next two areas of concern surround gene transfer and outcrossing. And they are a lot more complicated. Gene transfer is when genes from the GM food product transfer to cells of the body. This could result in serious adverse effects. This would be extremely bad if genes with an antibiotic resistance were to be transferred into the human body. Once they were transferred it would cause antibiotic resistance, which would lead to the body not being able to fight off certain pathogens. Once the body is not able to fight off the pathogens, it could lead to a weakened immune system and ultimately not getting better. This is hard work in the medical field going to waste. Outcrossing, the second important area of concern, is â€Å"the movement of genes from GM plants into conventional crops or related species in the wild†(WHO). This is an issue because seeds can easily be transferred from one place to another- by wind, water, and certain animals. The pollen from the genetically modified crops could also be transferred to the conventional crops. This ultimately means that our conventional crops may become contaminated, and mixed with the GMC’s. Farmers will have no way of knowing if this happens. So, one pro posed way to fix this is to adopt regulations such as separation of the fields between GM crops and conventional crops (WHO). Genetically modified crops and conventional crops cannot co-exist. Really, in general, there is no end to the controversy over genetically modified crops or GMO’s. Each of these foods must be assessed on â€Å"case-to-case†basis. These studies cannot be generalized and cannot be taken lightly. Greenpeace said, â€Å"Scientific concerns about the safety of GM foods are clearly real†(Meikle) There is a study that showed the toxin levels are not only extremely evident but also extremely unpredictable (Pusztai). In all honesty, while these may be the major and most important areas of debate, they are not the only ones. In fact, there could be countless adverse health effects that we do not even know about yet. These products must undergo more testing and stricter regulations. We, like the European Union, need to enforce and place more emphasis on testing GM foods. Perhaps not to the extreme, as they are, like violent protesting and activist raids. We do not want to destroy years of fieldwork, but we do need to do something, before it gets out of hand (Curry). There is not nearly enough information on genetically modified foods for them to be considered safe. There is no information on the long-term effects. Finally, labeling genetically modified foods. This should hit home the most. We should know what we are eating. We should want to know what we are eating. If the product is made with genetically modified corn, it should say so on the ingredients list. Otherwise it should be labeled no GMO’s. This is so important, just for everyday purposes, so that we can consciously decide and make educated decisions on the foods we are eating and what we are supporting. How are we supposed to stop the mass production of GMC’s if we are buying them? Buying foods that are made with GMO’s is only showing support for the very thing we do not want. This is essential for ourselves and our family. In conclusion, genetically modified foods are bad news. There is not enough information on them to really know whether or not they are okay. And there is certainly not any information on what they could do to our health in the future. Until there is, the skepticism will remain. Genetically modified foods need to be further researched and labeled in the market. But as of right now, they seem to be causing a lot of problems and also have the potential to cause many more. Human health and the environment are at risk. Genetically modified foods aren’t worth it. Once there is more research and tests done, there may be reason to further review it. But right now the answer is no. Bibliography 20 Questions on Genetically Modified (GM) Foods. World Health Organization . Web. 12 Mar. 2013. 20questions/en/. Curry, Andrew. Seeds of Conflict. Discover Magazine. (2013): n. page. Web. 12 Mar. 2013. Godiff, Lewis. Genetically Modified Foods. Science and Technology Journal. (2012): Web. 12 Mar. 2013. 2012/03/16/genetically modified-foods/. Meike, James. Journal to Publish GM Foods Report. Guardian. (1999): Web. 26 Feb. 2013. Pusztai, Arpad. Genetically Modified Foods: Are They a Risk to Human/Animal Health?. actionbioscience. n. page. Web. 12 Mar. 2013. biotechnology/ pusztai.html?print.
Wednesday, January 22, 2020
Choosing a Location for a Burger King fast food restaurant versus a car
The nature of a Burger King restaurant and a car factory are both very different as they are both different services, therefore there will be many varying factors that need to be considered when choosing an appropriate location for siting either of these. Burger King provides a service to the public, therefore it lies in the tertiary sector, whilst a car factory is a manufacturing business, which provides cars for there company. Every business needs to be located, but this has to be done carefully, as it is very expensive to reverse. The main factors which will influence a businesses decision to locate in a certain area are, competition, costs of the area, government incentives, availability of labour, proximity to materials and market. The factors that both businesses will definitely need to consider are the costs of the area and availability of labour. Firstly, the business will need to be located in an area which is relatively inexpensive as they do not want to have a large expense of rents and rates going out of the business every month. This will reduce the potential funds...
Monday, January 13, 2020
Macbeth Retold Essay
It feels strange running into something that everyone else is running out of, it’s my second time today. I can’t explain the thrill of running into the blaze, for some it’s just a career but for me it’s my passion. As I reached the top of the burning stairs I looked out the window to see Don with his back against the truck again, he was just standing there watching whilst men are in that house risking their lives to save others. It angers me so much to know that his name will be on the front page tomorrow for what I’ve done again. When we got back to the station the others applauded Don as he walked in and exclaimed â€Å"another fire stopped and 3 lives saved†me and Benji couldn’t bear to watch him take the glory for what we had done, so we went outside to take a breather and collect the post. Whilst we were out there we met the postman, he was standing there as if he was waiting for us, me and Benji exchanged a confused glance and then I said hello, he muttered â€Å"you’ll be station manager son†â€Å"sorry? †I said â€Å"and station commander†he replied â€Å"it’s as if I can tell the future! he laughed as he turned to walk away â€Å"what about me then eh? †shouted Benji shouted after the postman â€Å"it’ll be your sons and his sons and his sons and his sons†the postman sang as he skipped away. Benji and I couldn’t help but burst into laughter, at least it had lightened our mood after Don’s little display inside. That night I told Beth all about what Don has been doing and how he has been taking all the credit lately, I just wanted to vent to her but she got so much angrier than I had expected and told me that I should get rid of him by killing him! I want him gone and I want the praise but is this too extreme? She went on to tell me that if I didn’t do it I’d be a coward and there’s no point in me going back to the fire station at all, I can’t imagine not going back into a fire ever again. I’ve realised I have to do this. I told Beth I agree and she had a plan already. I’m going to kill him in the old house on foster street on Tuesday night when we go there for a risk assessment, Beth told me it would be perfect and no one will know I had anything to do with it; I’ll set the place alight and blame it on the squatters there.
Sunday, January 5, 2020
Kill A Mockingbird By Harper Lee - 1847 Words
The word courage is defined as â€Å"The quality of mind or spirit that enables a person to face difficulty, danger, pain, etc, without fear.†In Harper Lee’s novel To Kill a Mockingbird, Atticus Finch strongly demonstrates courage though his words and actions. He defends Tom Robinson even though doing this he puts his family at risk for discrimination due to the prejudice and racial inequity in Maycomb. In addition, Arthur ‘Boo’ Radley displays courage as he reveals himself to those who were around him such as the children after being shut away from the rumors that surround him from the people of Maycomb. Arthur displays courage as he attempts to communicate with Jem and Scout. Finally, Miss Maudie, portrays courage as she watches her house†¦show more content†¦In doing so, this puts Atticus a wielder of courage for the fact that justice has more power than the harm that is to come from defending Tom Robinson. Also, Atticus shows physical courage as he sits outside the jail cell protecting Tom during the night from the mob attempting to lynch him. As Atticus defends Tom, he tries to talk sense into the mob of people, in doing so Atticus puts himself first in front of the danger of the angry crowd, being ready to face threats of death or even death without expressing any show of fear. Because of the amount of tension and hate towards Atticus for defending Tom Robinson, he tells Scout â€Å"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view until you climb into his skin and walk around in it.†(Lee 39). However, he tells Scout this advice which then governs her through the novel as she develops and as many question the reason Atticus defends Tom. Atticus is explaining a person does not know what another person is going through until one pictures their world through their own eyes and see the views of that person and their experiences. Additionally, Atticus’ display of physical c ourage is evident in his relationship with the people of Maycomb. During one night, a
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