Saturday, December 28, 2019
The Collapse Of A Cherished Businessman - 1571 Words
The Collapse of a Cherished Businessman Arthur Miller, a highly acclaimed and influential twentieth century dramatist, was born in New York City in 1915. Unlike normal Greek tragedies that focus on the aristocracy, Miller’s works often focus on the plight and tragedy of the common man. According to Rachel Galvin in an article for National Endowment for the Humanities, Miller generally illustrated characters that â€Å"wrestle with power conflicts, personal and social responsibility, the repercussions of past actions, and twin poles of guilt and hope†(Galvin). Some of his most famous modern tragedies include The Crucible, All My Sons, and Death of a Salesman. First staged in 1949, Death of a Salesman is considered Miller’s greatest and most†¦show more content†¦He sees only a time when he was supremely successful and his boys had uncountable potential. The name often used to address him further signifies his inability to grow up, as Willy is commonly see n as a child’s name. Leonard Moss, a former professor of comparative literature at State University of New York College in Geneseo, intelligently points out, â€Å"He seeks escape from his problems by reliving a happier time†(32). Loman constantly alludes back to when he was considered a good salesman, denying his struggles in his later years. Because he always reverts to his former success, Loman cannot comprehend or deal with any failures and hardships in his present life. One aspect of his life where his flaw shines through is his regression to a time when he was able to â€Å"knock ‘em dead†in any town he was in (Miller 36). In Willy’s clouded eyes he is still able to sell as well as he did when he was young. When questioned by his wife Linda on the amount of money he made on his trip, he even coldly places the blame of his unsuccessfulness on the fact that â€Å"three of the stores were half closed for inventory in Boston†(35). He is not able to face the facts; Loman’s methods for selling are greatly outdated. Willy is no longer known in any town he enters because he has outlived most of his former customers. His new customers do not relate to his aged sense of humor and do not respond to his obsolete ways to sell. Regardless of the customers’ reactions, he still
Friday, December 20, 2019
Pathology and Treatment of Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension
The pulmonary vasculature contains arteries and arterioles, which branch in the lungs to create a dense capillary bed to provide blood flow. The pulmonary capillary bed is a high-volume, low-pressure, low-resistance system that delivers blood to and from the lungs via the arterial and venous circulation systems. The right ventricle of the heart is responsible for pumping blood to the pulmonary artery and to the lungs so it can be oxygenated while the left ventricle pumps oxygenated blood to the tissues. Typically, hypertension refers to high blood pressure in the systemic circulation, however, an increase in blood pressure may also occur in pulmonary circulation. The pulmonary artery supplying blood to the lungs can become narrowed,†¦show more content†¦Increased levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines and chemokines result in an infiltration of inflammatory cells forming plexiform lesions consisting of T cells, B cells and macrophages (Savaj et al., 2012). Scleroderma, or syst emic sclerosis, is a connective tissue disease characterized by a thickening of the skin. Accumulation of collagen by fibroblasts, platelet adhesion and a type II hypersensitivity reaction lead to endothelial damage. Endothelial damage and decreased vasodilatation result in increased arterial pressure leading to PAH (Mclaughlin, 2009). Patients generally have a poor prognosis unless detected early, as a cure for slceroderma does not exist. Patients with advanced liver disease can also develop PAH. Portopulmonary hypertension (PPH) is a combination of high blood pressure in the portal and pulmonary systems. Unless transplantation can occur, prognosis for these patients is less than ideal. In order to be considered for transplantation, patients must have a mean arterial pressure less than or equal to 35 mm Hg. Long term cocaine and methamphetamine abuse have been linked to developing PAH (McLaughin et al., 2009). 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The remaining alveoli begin compensate through hypertrophic regener ation. †¢ Stage 4 – takes place at day 21 and proceeds through day 29. During this stage, pulmonary hypertension can be identified by the thick inner layer of the small arteries. (Hadjiliadis, 2013) More the less, infants with BPD improve slowly over time as their demand for respiratory support decreases. Rarely, but in critical situations, preterm neonatesRead MoreCase Study On Acute Pulmonary Oedema Secondary1758 Words  | 8 Pagesstudy The case study relates to Mr Brown, who diagnosed with acute pulmonary oedema secondary to acute renal failure, due to excessive use of opioids. The assignment will address Mr Brown’s initial presentation and assessment, relevant past history, medications as well as the current assessment finding that had him admitted to intensive care unit. Briefly discussing the patients’ pathology results scans and as well as drug treatments to correct electrolyte imbalances. Furthermore discuss the effects
Thursday, December 12, 2019
Social Responsibility of Financial Institutions
Question: Discuss about the Social Responsibility of Financial Institutions. Answer: Introduction: Cash Converters is an Australian Company which is engaged in the business of lending money and is a public company which is counted as the highest payday lenders in that country. However, a class action was launched against the company in November 2015 stating that the company has exploited and trapped many vulnerable and low income people in the vicious cycle of debt and has charged excessively high amount of interests which is up to 633% per annum along with high fees on short term loans. As per the law, an interest up to 48% per annum is the maximum interest that should be charged which should be inclusive of the charges and upfront fees. The company took undue advantage of people who has vulnerably low income. The customers were hence unable to repay the loans in time. The intention of the company was to earn profits for itself without considering the needs of the vulnerable people and also it was not acting as a responsible lender in lending money to its customers. The company was mainly alleged of the charging high interest which is highly excess of the normal industrial norms and high charges and upfront fees. The company Cash Converters records its interest income and other charges and upfront fees in its Financial Statements under Interest income from Short Term loans in the Statement of Profit and Loss. The other charges including brokerage fees and upfront charges might have been charged under the Income from services as it could not be seen separately. However the charge of brokerage was not against any legislation applicable at that time, charging interest of 633% simply an overstatement of financial workings as later the company had to admit a payout of $23million for the settlement of class action proceedings. The company was unethically engaging in the practice of taking undue advantage of the low income people who has either limited choice or no choice at all. Loans were providing without applying due diligence that the customer will be able to repay the loan on time or not and hence it can be clearly seen that the company was not carrying out its business responsibly. The only m otive of the company was to earn as much as profits as it can without following ethics. Any business should earn profits by striving for long term sustainable growth. There were thousands of cases on pay day loans were lenders would find out ways to recover increased amount from borrowers. Thus to protect customers right without compromising justifiable return to lenders bill was drafted by Government which proposed 10% establishment fee and 2% per month cap on a SACC and a maximum rate of 48% on other loans. However it was argued that responsible lending could be a solution but the proposed bill will harm the business. Despite the regulations by the government suggesting responsible lending practice and a limit on interest and other charges to be recovered from borrowers, Cash Converters practice was unethical and unjustifiable. During the period from 2009-2013 that is post the practice of charging high interest Cash Converters business growth was regressive. Year 2009 records a record profit of $16.2 million followed by revenue growth of 27% driven by increase in Loan establishment fees of $5.2m, and also an increase in financial service commission of $600000. The company was making huge profits every quarter. The company has disclosed all time high profits for consecutive years in a row. 30 June 2010 was recorded as the most successful year in companys history with a record net profit of $21.6m. The personal loan book in Australia saw a growth of 28% to $67.6 million in the financial year 2012. The growth of online personal loan business in Australia embarks a growth of 126.7% to $14.2 million as compared to $6.3 million in 2011. It was seen that that the companys online strategy was a massive success and record loans were advanced online. Again in 2013 Cash Converters reported a growth of 20.8% to $134.9 million in its revenue followed by growth in Australian Personal Loan Book by 32.7% for the corresponding period. The Australian Loan book generated an EBITDA growth by 37.5% to $ 40.7 million for the period 30 June 2012 to 30 June 2013. During this period the Loan book also grown by 35.4% to $67.6 million. During this period a record growth of 16.4% to $272.7millio, in revenue was booked. However, the loan book saw growth in subsequent years also but revenue growth was not at same. In 2015 the Australian Loan Book saw a downtrend to $107.4 million after it peaked a record $115.7 in the previous year. However the Personal Loans and cash advances continued growing. As far the share price was concerned, the share price of the company was growing steadily at the same rate during the period concerned. There was no massive impact of the practice was experienced in the share price during the period. From trading at $0.30 in the beginning of 2009 the share price increased slowly to $ 0.45 during June 2009 it steadily increased to $ 0.905 in March 2011, followed by a downward trend reaching low at $0.455 during December 2011, after which a slow recovery was seen in prices and the shares managed to reach a price of $1.02 during November 2012 (refer graph below). The shares kept trading between price range of $0.80 t0 $1.88 till 2014. However in 2015 a downside trend was developed and the shared price traded below half the price during 2015. This might be the impact of class action against the company. This was how the financial position as well as share price of the company reflected the impact of the practice that prompted class action. Financial institutions are socially responsible for the welfare of the economy. It is important for a financial institution to make sustainable competitive profit and to achieve lasting values for the investors. In recent years Corporate Social Responsibility has seen enormous increase in awareness and control globally. It is necessary for a financial institution to employ ethical strategies to conduct their business, which has societal benefits and is positive to development. A financial institution apart from their objective to earn profit and grow their business should show some interest in welfare of society as well as environment by taking into account the impact of their activities on shareholders, customers, suppliers, stake holders and the society. Considering the role that financial institutions plays in financing the developmental activities around the world its contribution to sustainability becomes incomparable. A Financial institution is responsible to protect the intere st of its investors as well as customers, ensuring them satisfactory return. The activities of financial institution should reflect their concern for Human Rights. The financial responsibility of financial institution may include: Energy conservatism Environment Education Healthcare Emerging markets Donation and sponsorship The best way to implement a sustainable CSR initiative is by aligning CSR with business strategy. This can be done through a well defined business strategy for instance contributing a percentage of the product price to CSR activities. This brings multiple benefits like Enhancement in brand value, building trust and confidence of customers and investors, improvement in financial position, and an increase in growth of the business. Like any other financial institution the social responsibility of Cash Converter is same. It is the responsibility of cash converters to protect the interest of its customers, however unethical practices like charging interest over legal limits is a threat to CSR and welfare of society. The company should not indulge in practices like this which results in loss of its reputation affecting its financial position and overall business growth. The company should follow ethical strategies to maximize its profit which is the prime objective of any business organization but without causing any harm to the welfare of society and economy. However it is also the responsibility of the business organization to provide maximum profit to its shareholders and stakeholders that should not be at the cost of losing its customers. References: Overview of the practice. Website. Retrieved from Overview of the practice. Website. Retrieved from Overview of the practice. Website. Retrieved from Overview of the practice. Website. Retrieved from Social responsibility of financial institutions. Website. Retrieved from Social responsibility of financial institutions. Website. Retrieved from Social responsibility of financial institutions. Website. Retrieved from Social responsibility of financial institutions. Website. Retrieved from Social responsibility of financial institutions. Website. Retrieved from Social responsibility of financial institutions. Website. Retrieved from Share prices and financial reports. Website. Retrieved from. Share prices and financial reports. Website. Retrieved from. Share prices and financial reports. Website. Retrieved from. Share prices and financial reports. Website. Retrieved from. Share prices and financial reports. Website. Retrieved from.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Wireless Technology and Antennas for Engineering -myassignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about theWireless Technology and Antennasfor Engineering Students. Answer: Antennas are categorized based on their performance defined by the "Antennas Performance Parameters" characteristics. These parameters determine the quality, range and other important aspects of the antenna. Based on these parameters, they are grouped into five broad categories depending on their functionality and the different parameters they may have. These groups include Log Periodic Antennas, Wire Antennas, Traveling Waves Antennas, Microwave Antennas and lastly, Aperture Antennas ("Different types of Antennas with Properties and their Working", 2017). The parameters that define the categories of the different types of antennas are Antenna Gain and Directive, Aperture, Bandwidth and Frequency, Polarization and Polar diagram ("Different types of Antennas with Properties and their Working", 2017). To determine the strengths and weaknesses of the different antennas, one must understand these parameters in details. For instance, polar diagram affects an antenna's radiation the most s ignificant parameter of an antenna. For instance, in wire antennas, the effectiveness of radiation transmission from one pole to another depends on the impedance of the given poles. However, this is not the case when it comes to Aperture antennas. Aperture antennas are designed differently, allowing the radiation to be only Omni directional, that is, does not have a single specific direction. Since wire antennas depend on the impedance of two poles for efficiency, there is room for loss of radiation leading to a weaker radiation compared to aperture antennas. Other crucial parameters of antennas are frequency, directive gain, and bandwidth. Frequency refers to numbers of a complete cycle the waves from one end of an antenna completes in one second. Bandwidth is the difference between the highest frequency and the lowest frequency. Bandwidth differs from one type of antenna to another. From the vast characteristics of antennas, it can be seen that although some antennas are stronger and more desirable than others, it is difficult to choose one type of antenna over the other or state with certainty which type will dominate the future. This is because the different types of antennas have different application. One type may be suitable in cellular technology why another is suitable for military communication. CDMA, an acronym for Code Division Multiple Access and Frequency Division Multiple Access, abbreviated by FDMA are technologies in the wireless networking that allow multiple access by multiple users. Although both CDMA and FDMA are capable of carrying digital information, FDMA is considered not effective. Consequently, it is used mostly for analog transmission technology. CDMA focuses on uniquely coding the information before sending it out in small bits. It then uses the code to match another user on the other end. Once it finds a match, it then connects the two users. A good example of the CDMA technology as such used in the CDMA IS-95 standard where an entire 1.225 MHz is shared by many channels using unique 64 Walsh Code. Conversely, in FDMA, a whole bandwidth is divided into different channels before being allocated to different users. An example of the FDMA network is the GSM. Here, the 25 MHz band is divided into 124 RF careers with a bandwidth of 200 KHz each before being si gned to the user. With the similarity of the two networks relying on their wireless, the main difference between the two is entirely on the way they are transmitted. Although the two technologies may be seem so different from each other, there application can be merged to compliment each other. Research is underway to combine the advantages of both technologies to make wireless communication even better. Applications of wireless technologies have gone beyond the basic networking. Often, more and more sophisticated wireless technologies are being used in every aspect of life. It has advanced from data transfer to power transfer. Some of the advanced wireless technologies used today include wireless charging, Wireless sensors, and actuators for tracking energy usage as well as seamless roaming. The future of wireless technology is bright with a possibility of a wide range of applications. However, I consider wireless charging to be the dominant wireless technology of the future. Wireless charging or technically, inductive charging is the recharging of electronic gadgets without using cords. Wireless charging is used through the application of magnetic resonance principles. The technology uses two terminals called Qi sender and Qi receiver within an electromagnetic field. When a current passes through the Qi sender, it generates an electromagnetic field. The magnetic field is received b y the Qi receiver and converted back to AC current for charging (Wireless Charging; How Inductive Chargers Work PowerbyProxi, 2015). Its major application is currently in the phone manufacturing. Wireless charging is an advanced example of the wireless technology which its application is still in its infancy. Consequently, there are still many pitfalls on its way. The current application of wireless charging faces a number of disadvantages which include inefficiency through power loss and slow charging which translates to longer charging time. Despite these challenges, wireless technology has a long way to perfect. Its advantages outweigh its disadvantages which give the possibility to dominate the future of charging. References Antenna Theory Tutorial. (2017) Retrieved 22 August 2017, from Different types of Antennas with Properties and thier Working. (2017).ElProCus - Electronic Projects for Engineering Students. Retrieved 22 August 2017, from FDMA Retrieved 22 August 2017, from FDMA versus TDMA versus CDMA-Difference between FDMA,TDMA, Retrieved 22 August 2017, from Frezza, F. (2017).Introduction to Traveling-Wave antennas. European School of Antennas. Wireless Charging amp; How Inductive Chargers Work PowerbyProxi. (2015).PowerbyProxi. Retrieved 12 April 2017, from
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