Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Write on anything related to European history from the Ancient World Research Paper
Write on anything related to European history from the Ancient World up through the Reformation - Research Paper Example The history of the country starts from the Stone Age. Minoan and Mycenaean kings also have contributed significantly to the history of the country. This paper will try to enlighten the history of the ancient Greece and its historic reformation. The ancient Classical and Hellenistic periods of Greece are without any shadow of doubt the most splendid eras the world has ever come across. Those periods left behind lots of ideas, art and concepts. The history of the ancient Greece is popularly known as the building blocks of the western civilization. Before the 8th century BC, the country was submerged in the dark era. In the 8th century the country started to came out of the Dark Ages. It was introduced by the fall of Mycenaean civilization. During that period the country replaced Mycenaean script with Greek alphabet1. Archaic period of Greece witnessed Lelantine War which was the oldest documented war as far as the Ancient Greece is concerned. This period was almost three century before than the time of classical age. During the Archaic period the country advanced a lot as far as the art, poetry and technology were concerned. After the Archaic period, the next period is popularly known as the Classical Period. This period las ted for almost 200 years. The period has undergone lots of annexations by the Persian Empire. Different political thoughts, architectures, philosophy, and scientific thoughts are the results of this era only. The Hellenistic period of Greece is significantly marked due to the presence of the Alexander the Great. Alexander III was famously known as the Alexander the Great2. He was one of the most military geniuses that the world has ever produced. This Macedonia based military genius taught the whole Greek people about the modern war fare. Like the other Greek people the genius was highly inspired by the divine ambition. The king rewrote the history of the Greece with his indomitable
Monday, October 28, 2019
Top gear and Classic Cars Essay Example for Free
Top gear and Classic Cars Essay Magazines articles are a very common source of promotion; it has certain ways to reach its audience. Magazine articles on specific products can give help give it positive or negative advertising, so professional opinions on particular products like cars and electronic gadgets, have become increasingly important, it allows the reader to get the information that he wants from a professional, away from all the glamorising through its normal advertising. It helps spread a sense of reality to the products which otherwise many people would not see. From this a new breed of magazines aimed directly and overtly at a male readership, using masculinity as a marketing tool, has increased the popularity of magazines for male men, allowing the writers focus on male dominated interests, like cars sports and women. However certain magazines like Top Gear can be accessible for women although there market has a very high male audience. For my English Project we have been asked to investigate a particular use of language. I have chosen to look at the content and style of two different stereotypical mens magazines and to how they reach there target audience. I am going to look at whether the style of the article changes depending on what age it is being advertised to. I will be focusing mainly on the male language used in the articles, how the author tries to make it appeal to its target audience. The depth of the content and it style. Data description I will be looking at two magazines, which stereotypically would have a male audience. An article from a Top Gear magazine and one from a Classic Cars Text A is a personal opinion and general review of the Porsche 911 GT3. The article on the Porsche 911 GT3 written by Jeremy Clarkson was obtained from a motoring magazine Top Gear. Being a motoring magazine it clearly defines its audience as those who are interested in cars, which is what top gear revolves round. The magazine it self would attract a male audience of 16-50, due to its general glamorising of cars and comedic value. However it would also interest girls from 16-30 due to its increased popularity on TV and its general over-hype of super cars. The general articles in the Top Gear magazine, includes many super cars and fast powerful cars. Not really aimed for people who are looking for an average car, although it has the odd standard car. This particular article on the Porsche 911 GT3 will probably be aimed at a male audience of 16-40, specifically at the boy racers and men having a midlife crisis just wanting to feel younger, as that would be the common target market for a Porsche 911The reason behind this is that Porsche are seen as fast and powerful cars. He would be aiming to informing the reader about the car, and trying to persuade the reader by reviewing it. he also has to provide entertainment for the readers who may follow the show aswell. Text B is a report on the Hackett Beaujolais Runs, which includes a selection of cars and people involved in the Hackett Beaujolais Run, a charity race that takes place in France, written by Mike Goodbun, obtained from a another motoring magazine, but specialising in older cars, and not the typical cars of this generation. The magazine itself would attract an older readership, possibly of 40-60, linking back to when these cars had been made so that the readers can relate to the article and the people in it. It would be directed at a male audience, which can be seen by the magazine itself through the consistent use of men in the magazine. The magazine has a lot of older cars that are seen as benchmarks in the car industry, like the 1967 Mercedes-Benz Pagoda or the DeLorean DMC12, The car from Back to the Future, which can help attract a wider audience. This particular magazine article, would suit the main target audience of the magazine, readers around 40-60, from when the event started in relation to the age of the readers. The authors main aim would be to inform the readers about the event, and about the cars that were used at the event. Aims and Hypothesis I already have perceived ideas about what I will find in my investigation, but I am hoping to find out if my predictions are true. I am comparing how the language in both of these articles reaches their target audience and how it can be seen it is a male related topic. I am expecting to find a lot of stereotyping within the advertisements; the car would be advertised as fast, powerful machines and the technical terminology used to reach a male audience. I will also be exploring what kind of impression they give to their target audience and whether the language alters depending on the audience and how the cars are perceived I predict that Text B, will have a significant use of technical terminology and will be more formal not only due to the widespread popularity of Top Gear, who have to aim at a wider audience, from a younger to and older audience, but also down to the fact they are both targeted at a different age group, with very different views on cars. This will then help me see how they aim to reach and make it accessible for their target audience through language choices. I also expect to find the Text B would be more drawn to focusing on the cars and being focusing on the cars whereas Text A will rely more on entertainment than facts. Methodology For my investigation I decided to analyse two stereotypical male articles looking at the language. I decided to go with a magazine which on certain aspects can relate to a female audience but generally has a high male audience, and then look at a magazine which is aimed directly and clearly at an older male readership although may interest some of the younger audience The more neutral magazine, I picked was Top Gear as it allows me to see how authors try and make it appeal to a wide audience, although it clearly has a high male audience due to its topic. The other magazines I picked was more difficult, I picked a magazine which was genuinely linked to an older target readership, possibly one of 40-60. For this I picked Classic Cars as, both magazines aim to provide the reader with information on cars which each generation can enjoy. The younger audience more interested in speed and beauty, whereas an older obviously interested in speed, but would interested in its history and what it represents for them. Classic cars seemed to fit with the target audience of the article I was looking for. From this, I will begin my analysis by working through both articles and annotating both of the articles, looking at the male discourse features and other linguistic features linked to males. I will look at the discourse structure and how the article is relevant to my investigation. I will use the following levels of language: * Graphology this will show me what kind of images they use for to appeal to their target audience. Whether the overall layouts of mens magazines in general, assert a sense of masculinity and affect the stereotypical readership. * Lexis this will enable me to look at why certain words and phrases are used, and what effect they have. The lexis used will help me identify male speech in both the articles and how they appeal to their audience. * Grammatical and syntax a very important part of my investigation, this will show how sentence structures generally will affect readers and how they affect the male audience. * Semantic this will tell me what kind of connotations the language in the article suggests, and whether it is focusing on a specific topic in the article. * Orthography Looking at the Spelling and punctuation and how it affects the reader. Graphology Text A, the Jeremy Clarkson article on the Porsche 911 GT3, is printed in Black and white, giving it a very sophisticated and serious look to it. It brings out a darkness of the article which seems to be hidden. The picture of Jeremy Clarkson in the right hand corner of the page, which is the most eye catching feature in the article, helps brings out a sense mysteriousness and subterfuge to the article and at the same time keeping the look very simplistic, he seems to have a look of old frail look possibly to emphasises wisdom, as this is a topic that he can relate to. The rest of his body in shadow also helps create a sense of mysteriousness and makes it very spy-like. He has a very sophisticated look, at the same time keeping a very serious look, maintaining the view that men regard topics like cars and sports very important. From the way he looks, very smart but casual at the time, with a look of wisdom to himself, and looks like he know what he is on about, it can appeal to his target audience which would set out to be a male reading audience of 16-40. Also Jeremy Clarkson looking directly at the reader with a thoughtful expression engages the reader and brings the reader towards the article. The proper noun Clarkson to the left of the page, in very simplistic writing gives makes it very formal and gives him a sense of authority, and a voice of authority make him much more powerful, this way setting him apart from the reader and can be quite intimidating. Also the quote in the middle of the page, my relationship with this brain-child of Hitler in large writing, sets out the importance of that specific line. Making reference to Hitler, a controversial historic figure engages the readers interest to the article, making them want to know what the author is talking about. In Text B, Mike Goodbun article on the Hackett Beaujolais Run, the article is positioned over two back to back pages, possibly already showing the lack of importance of it, by not giving a full two page display. The first page is laid out in a very simple manner, as the target audience for this article would perhaps be more interested in the content rather than the display. The picture of The AC Cobra just above the middle of the page is very symbolic in the nature that it is a representative of British cars, as well as American muscle cars. It is the gentlemens sports car, and has a touch of sophistication to it, and clearly associate it with an older market, as younger readers would be more interested in fast and powerful cars like the Porsche in Text A. In the centre of the page is the title Wine, women sports cars, highlighting what men stereotypically hold important as conversational points. Wine in place of alcohol in general, however wine adds a sense of sophistication and class, focusing and reinforcing the Gentlemen target audience. The next page tells the reader what the occasion is all about, the race, the route, the guy in the picture with a funny wig, marks the occasion, as does the wine bottle and the sports car, it represents what the race it hold and advertises it for other people to get involved, the next year. Furthermore the quote I the middle of the page highlights the stand out of the race we have a mini-convoy of Cobra, Elise and 550 Maranello. Associating this with the race will put the race in better light to the audience and hopefully take part in it. Both are very simplistic, and look unfussy, yet it allows them to draw the readers in through this technique. Lexis The extract taken from Top Gear magazine on the Porsche 911 GT3 uses a lot of informal language. However the picture he presents of himself gives the text a sense of seriousness, Engle noted men regarded their topics as more serious and important and for this fact; the lexis used has a lot of bearing to it, as good as any Ferrari and at a whisker Men would regard his opinion highly, from what he is trying to put through. The first line on the top of the page is the original always the best, ponders Clarkson? Also gives it a sense of formality and seriousness, by posing a question which involves the reader, and clearly sets out to be controversial as this would bring divided opinions. It also brings out the overall topic of what hes going to write about. The text also uses a lot of informal lexis like offering brain pate and crackers to all and sundry and in a shit am going to die sort of way as this suits the primary audience of males between 16-40. The language he uses helps him reach his target audience and relate to them better, it is important that he is seen as one of them as well as a professional so that his opinions are valued, and the use of humour and taboo language, being funny and anecdotal with a serious topic allows him too reach his audience, although this would be seen as a serious topic, it is important that he doesnt impose his opinions on the reader, and this goes opposite of what male men are meant to do, to be competitive and show they are right. This shows that the Jeremy Clarkson has a purpose with the language he is using; it helps attract the reader in to his article, and relate to them and in turn informing them. Contractions can be found in this text quite often. He uses it in different parts of the extract, hed sawn the and Ive always enjoyed giving it a sense of discourse which makes it sound a little informal as the text is in first person and this will let him say how he feels and talk about his own experience, this will help him appeal and engage the reader, as it is easier for the easier to read an focus on the article itself. By doing this, it also helps Jeremy express his feeling and actions easily to his audience. Moreover the use of colloquialisms helps evoke a feeling of informality, and this informality helps him relate to his target audience, and make the article more attractive and interesting for the reader, as more formal language may be off putting.. In the text they come in as a form of slang like biggish and wiggled, the words do not have to be used by males but the informality will helps his relate to them as being one of them and making sure he doesnt force a difference between him and his readers, using slang and colloquialism socially will help the readers attention. Keeping topic interesting and to the point will allow Jeremy dominance as hes not flouting the maxims, and therefore keeping the readers attention. In this text a lot of car related jargon can be identified, words like gearbox, Michelins and traction are used which are directly linked to cars and its different aspects. The purpose behind this is that it identifies the subject of the content, and the reader can see this clearly. This simply links the text back to its social context and informs the audience about the main topic of the text. Text B, the article on the Hackett Beaujolais Run, is informal to an extent but is much more complex than the Jeremy Clarkson article; due to the audience they are both trying to aim at. The title Wine, women and sports cars, highlights what men stereotypically hold important as conversational points. The use of these words expresses masculinity as it is what men not women talk about more often. The cars semantic field again reinforces what find important in conversational topics. There is a mixture if informal text and formal, appealing to its readers who would be much more mature and older than the Top Gear readers. The kind of road you wouldnt take a tractor down and The Cobras open Cockpit makes for an invigorating ride A lot of different types of jargon and specialist vocabulary can be found in this extract that help describe the race. Geographical terms are used, mostly names of places such as Beaujeu Macon and Great Ormand. These proper nouns are found throughout the entire text and are used to take the audience along with him on the race from one place to another and to provide greater details of where he has been and where he is going. In this text a lot of car related jargon and technical language can be identified, words like 2000 RPM, Ferrari and bonnet are used which are directly linked to cars and its different aspects. There is certainly more use of technical language in this article, as the author is not aiming at a wider audience as Jeremy Clarkson is in the Top Gear Magazine, It allows the author to focus on readers who are interested in the car and its different aspects. The use of technical language simply links the text back to its social context and informs the audience about the main topic of the text. The language the author uses helps the author keep the reader informed of the events, and makes it more interesting by giving important information. The jargon and specialist terminology is clearly needed as a lot of readers would expect this from a car magazine, with an Audience who have more interested in details of cars than entertainment. Semantics Nouns The use of the proper noun, Clarkson brings about a sense of authority and with a voice of authority makes him much more powerful. The use of just his surname Clarkson helps him set apart from the reader, as it brings about a public school education, which gives him a sense of importance and respect from the reader. Some of the proper nouns used in text A, also make the article seem very dark and murderous, using Hannibal Lecter, the character from the Silence of the Lambs, gives it very dark connotations, when relating back to the context of the article it would seem that the author would refer to the Porsche as very dark and possibly murderous, emphasising that the car in generally is not very normal, as the Porsche 911 GT3 looks very different from a typical Porsche, and its monstrosity with its sheer power and speed may attract the target audience to the car. Referring to Hannibal Lecter, helps him put out the car itself is monstrous, cars which are said to be dark and murderous, also emphasises the speed of the car, that the Porsche could actually kill the driver, which would interest the boy racers interested in the car. To associate Hitler, controversial historic figure, with the car, makes the car seem very dark and gives the same connotations as would Hannibal Lecter, and would keep the readers interest in the article. Using James bond, helps gives the reader an imaginative approach to the Porsche; it suggests the Porsche being sophisticated, adventurous, and glamorous. Using James Bond and Hannibal Lecter, bring about glam and evil feel to the article and would attract a male audience generally and sums up the male psyche. Although both of these not having much relation to the Porsche at the beginning shows that he has been given a certain freedom to write as well as fitting in perfectly. The use of Gloucestershire and London, sets the place of the article, and gives the reader a bit of background knowledge of the car. Both of these can be seen as good target markets for the Porsche. The use of the proper noun Godfather and Mad Max 2: Road Warrior also suggests aggressive connotations, the Godfather is symbolic in Italian mafia, where The Godfather is seen as the leader, the most important person, the one that everyone looks up to and the one respected. The movie is also seen to be as one of the best of all time, and using this is the article shows that Jeremy does clearly respect the car, although he doesnt like Porsche cars. The use of Road Warrior specifically warrior has connotations of a fighter, some who will fight for good and helps associate bravery and courage to this car. Using the topic of movies helps Jeremy attract a wider audience, than if he had just talked about cars. The use of movies as a starting point helps make the article appeal to a wider audience, and is used as an entertaining read. A lot of the common nouns used are for is technical language related to car jargon specifically to do with cars. The noun used the most was car, which is expected as the main topic of the article is the Porsche 911. Other nouns that are found often are all hyponyms under this theme, like tyres, wheel and gearbox. This car semantic field also links back to the content and the context of the article and lets the reader know what the main topic of the article is. The article also has a semantic field of murder and killing as this will attract his target audience and again sums up the male psyche. The author is trying to link the semantic field of the article with the car and that it can be extremely dangerous. It builds up a sense of fear and associates it with the car. Common nouns like murder and death gives these connotations. Furthermore the use of villain, terrorist and brainchild all give negative connotations. In essence it brings out the dark side in the car, the use of terrorist give connotations of violence and killing, whish goes with the semantic field of the article perfectly. Moreover brainchild, implicates cloning of something. In this context emphasises the darkness in the article, it associates it with Hitler and makes it a product of his thinking and work, therefore as Hitler was seen to be evil this would mean the same for the car. Doing this it makes thae article much more interristing, and helps entertain the reader by using, non-significant but very contreversial and interesting topics. Clarkson also uses a few similes but I find them as emotionless as limestone. He uses very vivid associations. This simile attaches negative connotations, hes giving his opinion on how he feels about the car, that he thinks its not very exciting and the cars themselves (as he is talking about Porsche in general) do dont jump out at the reader as may other cars do. Also he uses a simile to describe the car, a spoiler big enough to serve as a landing strip for a small aircraft. This allows him to emphasise the size of the spoiler and the car itself, he is describing as a sports car, and not a car for that self loving, business man who just want to look sophisticated. In Text B, the proper noun, Beaujolais Noveau, a French wine made in 1973, expresses a deal of sophistication to the text, stereotypically, the French culture is seen to be romantic and sophisticated. Its sets up the tone of the article with a sense of sophistication and sets it apart from the readers in Text A. Its repetition creates cohesion in the text sets its history and importance in the article. The use of Ferrari also gives positive connotations, it is seen as one of all time classics or a modern age super car, either way it sheer class is admired by all and would attract a lot of the readers by using a popular modern day super car. This would be the author trying to make is accessible for a wider audience, although not to the extent of Text A which uses a different topic. The use of Ferrari, with its power and speed, would interest the male audience. Then the use of Ac Cobra , a classic British car, is symbolic to the readers, being a English car emphasises is importance by the author and by its repetition, even though it is not one of the best cars in the article, the audience may be able to relate to it, as it could be a car that is seen to be admired by the reader. The repetition of English emphasises this. The proper nouns, James Bond, Scooby Doo and Batman shows the child side to it, its stressing the point of it being a charity and just for fun, as does the use of Damon Hill and Steve Berry, possibly used to gain the readers interest, it suggests enjoyment and exuberance of the people taking part, showing the readers who is involved in the charity event. This allows readers to see the enjoyment and the author trying to make it an enjoyable read. His main focus is trying to emphasise the fun in the charity race, and possibly attracting potential contestants. Like Text A, the article includes a lot of car information, related specifically to the cars. The noun used the most was car, which underline the main topic of the article, and an aim to reach his target audience. I also found hyponyms under this theme, like seat, windscreen and dashboard, all ordinary but necessary to attract his target audience. The light hearted and fun semantic field is emphasised, by the use of women, wine, and pleasure it underlines it as a fun event, all in the name of charity, to attract the audience to the article and maybe the event next year and can be seen as a subtle advertisement to the readers, not for the target market but the general public. Adjectives There were a lot of adjectives in text A which is to be expected in a review for a magazine as he is expressing his opinion, its gives a better understanding to the reader and it helps give better detail and vivid images thus a better understanding of the context and setting. The most common adjective in this text was new, it relates back to Porsche emphasising it as a new car. This is why people look to him for information on the car, and why this attracts the reader to the article. The use of exotic and glamorous, to describe places, both give very positive connotations and seems to go against the article, which has made it to seem very dark and murderous, but then relates to the association with James Bond. However the use of nasty and horrid contradicts what has been said, which shows he has mixed opinions on the Porsche, which is further shown by uncomfortable and exciting. It shows that he clearly isnt a big fan of Porsches, which he has said in the article, and may not be giving credit where it is due. Moreover he uses white to describe the car towards the end of the article, white represents purity and possibly good, and it is a bit ironic that under the dark and subterfuge semantic field he describes the Porsche in this way and shows he might have changed his opinion on the car as his day went on. Emma Fitzgerald-Lombard have sized-up the back seat of the white 911 The use of white to describe the 911 in Text B , like in text A, highlights the importance of that car specifically, white holds the connotations of good, this fits in perfectly as it is the only female team in the competition, helping them stand out to the reader. The further use of sculptured gives connotations of beauty and what a lot of the male audience would associate with beauty and cars. It helps gives to the reader a better description of the car itself and attracts readers to the topic in conversation. The use of wet and uncomfortable sets the weather and feeling of the article, its this that makes the race interesting, and forces people to take part. Although the weather may not be appealing this makes the race more appealing. This may be ways to attract more readers or possibly more people to enter the competition. The adjective frenzied, at the end of the article, helps put out to the reader how the audience feel, and has connotations of excitement, over the event. It also implies that a lot of people had come to see in the crowds, and puts it out to be a big event. From this it can be seen the author thinks it is the perfect market to aim the product at. Overall the adjectives in Text A, describe it as dark setting and fits to entertain and inform the reader, the adjectives help target a wider audience, whilst Text B gives the reader a lot of information, on the event, setting a classy and fun semantic field both of these help relate to the audience in hand, and from the adjectives used it can be seen it is a more of a male audience he is looking for. Text A informs as well as entertain the reader, Text B, informed the reader and uses more description of what had happened, allowing both audiences to relate to the article. The article allows a certain amount of fun to be seen and can help with a subtle advertisement. Verbs Some of the verbs play under the dark and murderous semantic field. Words like kill and die give very negative connotations and plays with the whole setting of the article and fit the semantic field of the article. This further is setting the audience to think one way of the car, although the end he changes this way of thinking. The verb used most often in text A is like, very simple and childlike. Which doesnt fit in the dark setting that Jeremy Clarkson has put in place, he doesnt want to force the reader to struggle with reading his article as this may put them off. The setting seems very negative so the use of like contradicts this feeling, which emphasises the positive view he holds the car in. Furthermore the use of admired provides positive connotations and has given it his approval. It also shows he may be resentful in giving a better compliment, dues to his general dislike for Porsche cars, which is duly noted in the article. Most of the verbs used were in the past tense which is done with an aim to simply fulfill the purpose of the text to inform the audience of actions that have took place but switches to the present tense when talking about driving the car. There are also quite a few present participles in this text such as vomiting to put the event in motion, make it more realistic and therefore keeping the readers interest. There were a few modal auxiliary verbs in this text such as could and would. The most common one used in this text is would. These modal auxiliaries give a sense of possibility but also uncertainty. Over all Jeremy is generally very assertive and confident and rarely expresses doubt, this shows he know what he is on about, which is why people respect his opinions and look for his articles. The verb repeated the most in Text B, is turn, as it involves the race and put in to perspective, they have to use the shortest route they can, and turning before others plays a huge part on the race, its emphasizes it importance by it repetition. Text B, involves verbs like pursuing relating to the view, that cars are seen as important of their lives, to try and achieve there goals. The further use of slithering gives a snake-like view on the car, and helps describe its characteristics, in being very slick and quick. Adverbs In text A I found a few adverbs that were used to describe a verb, like in the phrase, shouty styling where the adverb shouty, although not a real word, showing again his freedom to write, and use of slang to reach his audience, is used to support the adjective styling. It places extra emphasis on the verb and makes it stand out to the reader. The use of worst then places the car in a negative context, but shows his clear dislike for Porsche cars. Text B allows the author to emphasise his point. The adverbs in Text B were linked with distance, with longest and shortest helping the readers understand the charity race. Pronouns Text A uses a lot of personal pronouns to provide facts and information to the reader they are a lot in first person, as stories about the authors are generally always written in first person like I and me. There were also pronouns in second and third person, allowing Jeremy to bring the reader in and help them relate to him, words like he, we and you. The use of we and you particularly bring the reader in to the article as he tries to share his experience with the reader, bringing in the reader in to the article, helps him fulfilling his aims and purpose of entertaining the reader, making it more realistic and then helps the reader relate to his audience. The most common pronoun which was used was I and creates cohesion in the text; there is a significant use of personal pronouns rather than possessive pronouns. This shows the author is trying to keep the reader interested through out the article. Personal pronouns will help the reader make a judgement themselves instead of being forced an opinion. It depend on how he perceives his audience and his purpose in the article, his purpose is to inform rather than persuade, as many articles in the magazine are, as people interested in the car would not be put off by an article. Text B uses the subjective pronoun it, at a more frequent rate in to the article, the author focuses on the object a lot more than the people, focusing on the important part of the article and keeping the readers interested. The use of I brings the author in to the article, while we and you bring the readers in to the article, forcing them to take part, and making it much more interesting. Grammar Syntax In text A there is more or less an equal share of simple, complex and compound sentences. This is well suited to the audience as it would make it easier to understand. The use of simple sentences like Or was he eaten by a pig? It lays focus on the verb eaten, which has nothing in relation to the car topic, but it allows him to make small anecdotal comments to make the reading more entertaining. Complex and compound sentences both allow the delivery of information easily through fluent and easy to structure of the sentence, and helps the reader keep focus on what is being said. So you get a roll cage instead of back seats and a massive fuel tank However, I noticed looking more closely at the syntax that most of the sentences in this text are declarative sentences. This is very effective in fulfilling the purpose of the text, to inform the reader by giving him the facts of the car in a clear and authoritative way, settings his view apart. A declarative sentence helps the author give and inform the reader, and doesnt really force the reader in to the article as he is merely informing the reader. An example of a declarative sentence would be Ive always enjoyed driving them and always admired there quality but I find them as emotionless as Limestone. These declaratives also effectively help give a good in-depth account of every little detail, which is why people turn to articles such as this. He also uses interrogative sentences, as he is posing questions to the reader, although a lot are merely rhetorical, in order to bring the reader in to the article and helps the reader feel more part of the article so that they can relate to it better. It can also make the reader think and keeps their interest in the subject matter, on the question he is posing. Is the original always the best, ponders Clarkson? There is little evidence of imperative and exclamative sentences, which shows he is not trying to force himself or his opinions on the reader, and is trying to relate to his audience Text A is more or less in the present tense, with the verbs having -ing endings, this helps the Text feel much more dynamic and positive, it gives a feel of Jeremys opinions. It is a tactic to help emphasise the dynamic characteristics of the car, its power and speed. For example, exciting buying and going. In text B there is considerably more complex and compound sentences in the article. The lack of simple sentences defines the audience so as not to make the article sound so childish. Where as the use of complex and compounds helps the author to give more information and blocks to the reader, this helps the article to be aimed at a much more mature audience who want to know the details, emphasising how the author is trying to make it appeal to his target audience. The Scroots Cobra was the first CRS built and has a 225bhp fuel Also in text B, there are a lot more declaratives, theres no prize money or speed helping to deliver the information to the reader, again very useful in its purpose as it can be used to inform the reader. A few imperatives are also used in the text, turn right, now helping the audience understand what the race involved and it was co-ordinated, to give a better feel of the race, and a taste for potential participants next year. The lack of interrogative sentences showed, the authors aim to merely inform the reader of the event and not an aim to question the race in any sort of way. Orthography One of the most important aspects of an article is the first line. The first line I CANT QUITE REMEMBER is used to catch the attention of the reader. It will stand out to the reader and will draw him to the article; this is another way Jeremy Clarkson has looked to draw the reader to the article. Starting off-topic will also help him make it accessible to a wider audience, some of whom may not be able to relate to the main topic. He also uses Italics for the names of certain proper nouns, Thunderball, Casino Royale, and the Sunday Times. This helps him emphasise its importance, however it all fits in later on in the article. He used the movies in Italics to separate it from the main topic but it has a certain relation to the Porsche, as does the mentioning of the Sunday times. Jeremy Clarkson uses italics to help him focus on aspects of his article, to help the reader have a better understanding of his introduction of other topics. The use of commas in betweens the sentences helps deliver the information to the reader easily, and will make it much easier for all the readers, making it a easier read makes it more accessible to all kinds of people, which Jeremy Clarkson and Top Gear are aiming at, as it a major show whats important is ratings from the public.. Text B uses a lot of quotations to make the race an active part of the article turn right. Now making the article more interesting for the reader. Making the article active and relating it to the race helps make the reader feel its going on, and is more entertainment value while informing the reader. There also is a use of italics in the article, but for a different reason to Text A. The author uses italics when the word in related to the wine, this bring a sense of sophistication as he is emphasising the wine and attracts the audience he is aiming at. Furthermore like Text A, he also uses commas in between the sentences helps deliver the information to the reader easily, and will make it much easier for the readers. Conclusion Both of these articles are used as subtle advertisements and seem to attract and entice the reader to buy or to get involved with the race. It has certain techniques to bring the reader in to the articles. The conclusion I have drawn from this investigation is that in many instances both writers have certain techniques, in an aim to attract their audience. Text A uses very obvious techniques trying to stand out to the reader and to draw the reader in to the article. Text B uses a conservative approach in order to bring the audience to the article, by the use of gentle colours and giving it a sense of sophistication. This helps it attract an audience they are aiming for. Also what I found in Text A is that the Porsche seemed to have advertised as something evil, to emphasise its speed in relation to how it could kill you, which is an attractive prospect in fast cars. Whilst Text B relates to the cars involved with generic terms of speed, like thunder. It helps attract the audience they are aiming for and both articles have a clear aim to reach a male audience relating to the language used. Another one of my aims was proved upon, as Text B uses a lot of Technical language related to cars, 225 BHP. It focuses on the cars, and the beauty behind the car, i.e. sculptured although that it not the main topic of the article. The language use is much more complex and difficult than Text B, as the author was only appealing to a certain audience, whereas the Jeremy Clarkson article has a wider audience he can aim for and can attract. Both articles were interesting reads, and both have certain characteristics, Text A is good for entertainment value and will help engage the reader to the article, and aimed at a wider audience who seem to be interested in modern day fast cars. It can also be said this type of article can be seen merely as entertainment for, and an escape for, the heterosexual male. Text B, however is aimed at someone who appreciates car and is interested in being part of something important, it may not interest the wide audience but however it brings about class and sophistication that Text A doesnt come close to. Evaluation All in all I felt my investigation was a successful one; as I went on to prove my aims although there were many aspects that I couldve improved upon. I felt I could have improved on time management, as I should have focused on the aspects that I felt I had to write about, and not have started to annotate the whole article, which was very time consuming. The investigation is not a full representation of mens car magazines, which means the analysis may not be totally fair as it only looks at a few magazines out of a very long range. I could have taken a larger sample and used more magazines, with differentiating characteristics like Nuts and GQ, which give a different view on mens products than both these magazines. This would have allowed me to have a much broader and fair analysis. These wouldve been targeted to a different audience, although it may have been time consuming. A further investigation could be done contrasting articles written by male and female authors, possibly about cars or maybe branching out to other products. This was the first idea that I thought up, however it was extremely difficult to find a car review in a magazines, written by a women for women. It would be interesting to see what king of language each of the authors use to appeal to a certain audience, and how women and men review cars.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Tendon from Different Anatomical Positions Essay -- Anatomy, Tissues
Structure of a tendon is made up of collagenous tissues, a fibrous protein constituted as a large portion of the organic matrix of bone and cartilage (Nordin & Frankel, 2001). Also termed extracellular matrix (ECM) consisting of few cells, 20% of cellular material is occupied as total tissue volume, whilst 80% accounts for extracellular matrix (approximately 70% water and 30% solids) (Nordin & Frankel, 2001). Contained within these solids is a ground like substance with minor components of elastin. Due to the dense interrelation tissue of collagen it is able to sustain stability over which the mechanics of the musculoskeletal system requires. This may be in the form of fibril, whereby, collagen molecules (type 1 collagen) are synthesized and secreted by fibroblasts (France , 2010). Procollagen is formed and further condensed to tropocollagen as the basic building block of collagen (France , 2010). Across the parallel network leading to the development of fibril; cross-links are formed within collagen type 1. The cross-links allow tissues to withstand strength and function under mechanical stress (Fratzl, 2008). The solids within the extracellular contain ground like substance proteoglycans (PG). PG molecules binds extracellular water of the tendons, ensuring the matrix is a hydrated-gel like material (Nordin & Frankel, 2001). Thereby the substance acts as an adhesive between microfibrils in bundles; stabilizing collagenous tissue forming connective tissue fascicles (appendix, figure 1). The functionality of tendons can be expressed by its materialization; primarily to transmit force from muscle to bone. During any form of movements the tendons encounter forces such as longitudinal, transversal and rotational (Kannus, 200... ...llagen tissue cross-links across maturation; revealing the number of cross-links decreased with growth. This suggests that a state of maturation cross-links are stabilsed to a non-reducible form (Robins et al, 1973). When stress is placed on tendons; tissue must adapt to stiffen and strengthen in response to the physical demands placed on them. Physical training during eccentric forces has been found to increase tensile strength of the tendons (Woo et al, 1981). Long periods of inactivity can disrupt the parallel structure of collagen fibers in the tendons, decrease water content, although increase collagen cross-linking (Loitz et al, 1989). The collagen turnover increases although reports suggest the amount of tendon components and overall mass is unchanged. Ultimately immobilization decreases tendon stiffness, failure load and strength (Matsumoto et al, 2003).
Thursday, October 24, 2019
33 men: inside the miraculous survival and dramatic rescue of the Chilean miners Essay
At any one particular time when communicating it is of paramount importance to understand first your audience. For effective communication to take place, the number one issue to determine is the public that you have so that you can send the right message to them and enhance clear understanding of the information one is communicating (Rai 2009). Communication should be audience-centered always in terms of their needs, state of mind, status and the environment in which information is taking place. Understanding of the public cannot be ignored at all especially in the case where a business is passing information concerning the disaster. In the Chilean incident where the mine collapsed on Aug 5, 2010 leaving 33 mine workers were trapped underground, the incident finally left all the trapped workers alive. After the occurrence of the incident before information could be made to the other company workers, the neighborhood, the family of those trapped underground, the public and the world at large some issues ought to be taken into consideration (Franklin 2011). The ones communicating this information must understand the different people in the audience, their different roles and state of mind. There is also a dire need to try and estimate the effect the information will have on the public and thus be able to device the best way or mechanism to pass over to the public. Putting into consideration the above elements will go a long way into ensuring that the information being put across is well received as intended. The very key consideration in the Chilean case is humanitarianism or showing much care, understanding and a strong determination to bring the incidence to standard. In addition, this is aimed at trying to identify with the public, their feelings and hopes. The family of those affected should be the center focus since the person trapped in the ground is probably the main bread-winner of the family. Colleagues or fellow mine workers also ought to be put into consideration especially given that this is the conditions of their work. The country and the world at large should be considered also given it will also be in sad and curious moment awaiting the outcome of these ‘breaking news.’ The information being communicated should address the likely needs and demands of the miners kith and kin and thus instill calmness in them as they receive the information. These needs may range from moral support, precise, correct and clear information regarding the rescue process and its progress. Their financial need should also be addressed in a way by the information they receive especially by the understanding that they depend on the ones who are trapped underground in the soil. They primarily want to know how bad the situation is, what caused the whole incident and how deep are their loved ones below the ground. In addition, can their loved ones breathe well, access water and food, how many are they in total down there underground (Barra 2011). Also, they will have a deep longing to questions such as how will they get out, what is being done to remove them out, who is it or which authority is involved in digging them out from the underground trap and duration likely to be spen t to dig them out. These important issues and concerns amongst many others on the side the family will help the one delivering the message greatly in terms of delivering what is of the essence to the listener or the public in this case being the family of the miners or the relatives of the miners. The messenger should thus understand these issues and concerns so as to adjust the information to suit the receiver or the public by addressing their potential needs. The employees of the mine being the original occupants of that environment as their working environment and more importantly the fact that those trapped in the mines are their co-workers and colleagues. They employees are thus entitled to receive the information probably before many other parties receive it. The information they receive should address their needs such as how can they help in the rescue process of their colleagues, the way to go about in supporting their colleagues and their colleague’s families: morally; financially and physically. Their need will also be to understand whether there is any precaution they can take to prevent the occurrence of such a situation as the rescue process goes on or something they can do to a certain barrier in the rescue process. Proper action must be taken after the information is published to ensure that the company is not perceived in a bad light. However, ensure that the information is received as was initially intended and that the public can receive the information correctly. The number one secret towards ensuring that the information is received as intended is to take necessary action to reinforce the published information. This actions may range from the other employees of the company demonstrating support and commitment physically and both morally and financially to the affected workers and their families (Barra 2011). The other important action to do is showing the positive progress of the rescue process and the strong determination to rescue the people trapped under the ground through the media such as by giving a live TV footage The company should consider releasing information in two ways. Firstly, it should be releasing the information to the families of the trapped workers. â€Å"Chilean mine is going through hard times as some of its very diligent employees numbering thirty-three in total are trapped underground in the mine during a mineral extraction trip. The authorities concerned in the rescue process arrived on time, and the rescue process is progressing on well. Maximum effort has been put forward to rescue the trapped workers. We want to assure everyone that the workers are alive, but shaken through electronic communication gadget. We highly regret the occurrence of the incident, but at the mean time we are very hopeful that the rescue process will be over in a short while.†The most appropriate channel of communicating the information to the families of the workers is face to face communication and thus the company should choose representatives to take the information to the families of those affected. These representatives chosen by the company to pass this information should be very cautious and handle with great care the information they are releasing in order to secure the company’s reputation, they should ensure that the information is truthful, precise and accurate. The second way of releasing information should be to the workers of the company that is internally within the business, the company should communicate to the workers in such as this manner. â€Å"We highly regret the accidental happening at our mine, some of our very valuable colleagues are trapped in the mine, and this necessitates a call to everyone to come up strongly and offer ourselves to offer the necessary assistance in the rescue process (Franklin 2011). Let’s demonstrate our loyalty and to our company and concern to our colleagues by supporting them and their families physically and both financially and morally. And also by bringing order, control and calmness to the whole situation hoping that at last everyone trapped will soon be rescued alive and well†The best approach to deliver the information to other workers is through the memo placed in strategic places, in the business of which it will be a matter of minutes for everyone in the company to see. As a wrap, up, creative writing is vey key in writing especially in regard to addressing the public concerns and needs especially in regard to releasing information regarding the disaster in an organization. References Aronson, M. (2011). Trapped: how the world rescued 33 miners from 2,000 feet below the Chilean desert. New York: Atheneum Books for Young Readers. Barra, F., & Antofagasta, C. (2011). Let’s talk ore deposits: proceedings of the Eleventh Biennial SGA Meeting, Antofagasta, Chile, 26-29 September 2011. Antofagasta, Chile: Ediciones Universidad CatoÃÅ' lica del Norte. Franklin, J. (2011). 33 men: inside the miraculous survival and dramatic rescue of the Chilean miners. New York: G.P. Putnam’s Sons. Rai, U., & Rai, S. M. (2009). Business communication. Mumbai [India: Himalaya Pub. House. Source document
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Gertrude and Ophelia Essay
Shakespeare’s characterization of Gertrude and Ophelia in Hamlet is paradoxical as it challenges as well as complements the contemporary social traditions and norms. Gertrude is the best example of this paradox that is manifested through her extraordinary supremacy over all the major characters of Hamlet, her influence in the court matters and state affairs and her blind obedience to Claudius. Ophelia is also active in her domestic domain but her interest are restricted to amorous and matrimonial maters only and they are further directed by his father Polonius and brother Laertes. She is an epitome of traditional feminist expressions of the age that require chastity, compliance and acceptance of male dominancy from women. Gertrude influence is wide ranging as it encompasses the domestic as well as the state affairs. Simultaneously she manifests the behaviour that is in consonance with the contemporary traditional view. She has the ability to captivate, fend off, or manipulate all important male characters for her own interests. Act 2, scene 2, clearly manifests how Gertrude behaves authoritatively with Rosencrantz and Guildenstern and with Polonius. This scene further depicts her interaction with Claudius and influence she possesses over Claudius. But she further exhibit the behaviour hat is an embodiment of Elizabethan socio-cultural milieu and its values. She is subservient to Claudius when she agrees to Claudius’ plan to trap Hamlet, ‘I shall obey you,’ (3. 1. 37). Again in the closet scene, she is in compliance to Hamlet’s orders; ‘What should I do? ’ she asks (3. 4. 181). Furthermore, despite Gertrude’s conformist female acquiescent behaviour, her excessive sexuality and lust makes him a non-traditional woman. This portrayal of Gertrude clearly challenges the social and ethical norm of Elizabethan society. Her sexuality is intimidating for both Hamlets, father and son, who consider it brutal, extreme, and tainted: ‘Nay, but to live/ In the rank sweat of an enseamed bed,/ Stewed in corruption, honeying and making love/ Over the nasty sty’ (3. 4. 92- ¬95); Again it is said; ‘ So lust, though to a radient angel linked,/ Will sate itself in a celestial bed And prey on garbage. ’ (1. 5. 55 ¬-57). These lines are not in conformity with the woman image of contemporary society where woman’s chastity was the first condition for her social recognition. The relation of Hamlet and Gertrude is marked with oedipal connotations. Hamlet is placed in a situation his unconscious incestuous inclinations are juxtaposed with the apparent incestuous relationship of Gertrude and Claudius who is a new father figure to him. This juxtaposition and presence of Oedipal feelings plays an important in changing Hamlet’s behaviour toward his mother. Ophelia is raised in a motherless environment so she was dominated by the mannish thought and authority from the earliest. Thus her character is formed to accept the demands and wishes external to her own self. Furthermore, Shakespeare characterization of Ophelia is influenced by the cultural tradition of the male-dominant Elizabethan society. Ophelia is a typical character that is a mirror image of contemporary society. She remains passive in the domestic and emotional domain. Ophelia has no identity of her own and all her domestic and amorous matters are directed by her father. Polonius endeavours to fashion the life and attitude of Ophelia according to his own wishes. He considers his desires as her desires and tries to tailor her approach by various means. So right from the very start, Ophelia is under the sway of Laertes and Polonius. So her character is in complete conformity with the traditional values of that time. Polonius always responds from a position of authority over Ophelia, emphasizing his power as the decision-maker for her. Both her father and brother have a self assigned task of directing Ophelia how to act properly in every domain of her life. Although Shakespeare has characterized Ophelia as inferior to male characters, but characterization of Gertrude has dual characteristic. Sometime it challenges the traditions of the conformist society and sometime it itself become conforms to the values of the society by acting passively. Although Gertrude and Ophelia are two different women but they are caught in the same dilemma and circumstances in relation to Hamlet. Both love Hamlet and suffer due to their relation with Hamlet. Although Gertrude follows the bidding of Claudius throughout the story, and cannot even effectually resist Polonius, she evinces a deep love for Hamlet. She almost lives by looking at Hamlet. The contempt and hatred of her beloved son cut her to the quick and drives her to the very verge of madness. It must be noted that when Hamlet’s upbraiding grows unbearable for the queen, the ghost of his father steps in to save Gertrude from a further expression of their son’s bitter hatred. Shakespeare has characterized her as a round character that develops herself as the play moves toward its end. Although she acknowledges her blunders but is not fully aware of its overall gravity and effect on Hamlet. She says to Hamlet; O Hamlet, speak no more! / Thou turn’st mine eyes into my very soul,/ And there I see such black and grained spots/ As will not leave their tinct. (3. 4. 89-92) Same happens with Ophelia as Hamlet is harsh to Ophelia. He charges her with unfaithfulness. Polonius and Laertes warn her of excessive indulgence in amorous affair with Hamlet. Although she is caring and loves her family i. e. Polonius and Laertes but her love for Hamlet was stronger than her discretion. So she â€Å"sucked the honey of his music vows†, (3. 1. 57) and that his loss to her madder her â€Å"of ladies most deject and wretched†. (3. 1. 56) We know that her love for Hamlet was not so strong yet queen hopes in vain that her virtues â€Å"Will bring him to his wonted way again. †(3. 1. 41) Both Gertrude and Ophelia do not direct or affect the course of events directly but their role is of considerable importance for understanding the character of Hamlet. Hamlet at once intensely Gertrude and passionately hates her. Same is the case with Ophelia. Hamlet loves him fervently and in an honourable way as Ophelia declares early in the play; My lord, he hath importuned me with/ In honourable fashion. (1. 3. 100-111) Later in the play, Hamlet communicates his feeling toward her in this way on her grave; I loved Ophelia; forty thousand brothers/ Could not, with all their quantity of love,/ Make up my sum, (5. 1. 269-271) There are some visible differences between Gertrude and Ophelia as mentioned above but there subtle and implicit differences too. One of these differences is their attitude toward faithfulness. Gertrude seems unfaithful whereas Ophelia embodies the spirit of Elizabethan concept of fidelity. Gertrude is an instrument of, and incentive towards, crime; she is not criminally involved herself. The only exception to this the fact that by consenting to marry Claudius only such a short while after the death of her husband, she betrays either the greater infirmity of will, or an abnormally high degree of sexuality. The ghost makes it clear that Gertrude was neither an accessory to the murder nor even aware of it. We can call her a weak woman, not a wicked or depraved woman. The ghost styles her ‘seeming virtuous’. Hamlet forces her to search her heart. Then she is able to see how shameless and offensive to good sense and modesty her ‘over-hasty marriage’ was. It is quite clear that Ophelia is constant in her faithfulness to Hamlet as well as to her family. This tussle between love and duty plays some part in her loss of sanity. She is devotedly fond even of his tyrannical father and listens meekly to her brother’s precepts and promises; â€Å"I shall the effect of this good lesson keep/ As watchman to my heart†. (1. 3. 45-46) As in all things she obeys him, no matter how much it costs her to disobey the promptings of her heart. She also becomes an instrument for spying on the prince. But on the other side her love and fidelity to Hamlet remains the strongest factor in her life. Although she never declares her love in so many words, yet we know that her heart was given entirely to him. This is a manifestation of divergent rather conflictive faithfulness that she to his lover and family. Despite this intricate environment, she never betrayed her family as well as Hamlet. Another important contrast is their strength of character in reacting to this complex situation. Gertrude remains stable in this state of affairs due to her strong characterization but Ophelia turns mad and behaves like childlike. Thus she becomes the most pathetic of Shakespeare characters. Unlike Gertrude she possesses a childlike simplicity and maintains it throughout the play. So Shakespeare dramatic realism has produced a character full of pathos and miseries in the form of Ophelia and has used it effectively, like Gertrude, in the overall design of the play. As above-mentioned claims supported by textual and extra-textual facts clearly reveal that both Gertrude and Ophelia have certain common characteristics but they were not certainly identical characters. Both are used as subsidiaries to the main characters. Shakespeare skilfully takes advantage of their presence in the play and uses them in the larger design of the play. He further shows different manifestation of human character through them. Although both remain a prey to same dilemma and to an almost same fate in the play but as both have different dispositions and socio-cultural upbringing so they react differently to the situations and they have different roles to play in the play. Work Cited Shakespeare, William. Hamlet. Washington Square Press: New York, 1992.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
The Vietnam War (1955-1975) essay part 2Essay Writing Service
The Vietnam War (1955-1975) essay part 2Essay Writing Service The Vietnam War (1955-1975) essay part 2 The Vietnam War (1955-1975) essay part 2The Vietnam War (1955-1975) essay part 1Moreover, the importance of the Vietnam War can be assessed by the impact of the military conflict on the wider world. As the war took place during the 1960s, there were considerable changes in social politics, the emergence of the Civil Rights movement, which led to weakening of the American body politic (Wiest 5). As a result, there were serious military consequences. The war affected American behavior not only at home, but also abroad. The major military consequences of the Vietnam War that influenced the wider world and the course of the Modern World History include the transformation of international balance of military power at the global level, the establishment of Pentagon to solve issues connected with American involvement in military conflicts without getting into a disruptive war. It is crucial to get public support in military involvement of the country in order to avoid severe criticism an d weakening of military power internationally. Thus, the United States has turned into a very thoughtful and careful imperial power. The role of the United States in the world politics remains significant, although the effects of the Vietnam War’s defeat are obvious, including both physical and psychological effects.The representation of some aspects of the event that helped to shape Modern World HistorySome aspects of the Vietnam War helped to shape Modern World History. The relationship between the causes and consequences of many historical events in Modern World History influence social, economic and political development of societies. The causes and consequences of the Vietnam War can be used to assess the effectiveness of the presidencies of the U.S. presidents, and the role of media in shaping public opinions. The Vietnam War protests had a strong impact on the formation of foreign policy. In other words, public opinion could shape public policy.There are several as pects of the event that helped to shape Modern World History, including anti-war protests, media coverage and the effects of the Vietnam War. Antiwar protests were organized by those Americans who opposed the U.S. military intervention in Vietnam. The first protests began in 1965, when the first groups of American soldiers were sent to Vietnam. The anti-war movement had a strong impact on the lengths of the war and its outcomes. The U.S Presidents believed that anti-war protests hurt the U.S. efforts in Vietnam, encouraging the enemy forces to win the war. In addition, media coverage had a strong impact on the war outcomes. These aspects of the event could shape Modern World History, providing examples of the powerful role of the public in finding solutions to the military conflict.Moreover, the various aspects of the Vietnam War had a strong impact on domestic relationships. The economic situation in the United States was influenced by the needs of the military forces to conduct mi litary operations in Vietnam. The costs of the military conflict made the U.S. economy weaker.Discussion: Would Modern World History be different if not for the occurrence of the event?Modern World History would be different if not for the occurrence of the Vietnam War. There would be no military experience, Vietnam syndrome and other effects caused by the military conflict in Vietnam in the 1960s-1970s. The U.S. citizens would never change their beliefs and values regarding the effectiveness of government foreign policy if not for the occurrence of the event. America’s war in Vietnam can be revealed as an important international event that influenced all other countries of the world – â€Å"in domestic settings of numerous nation states, combatants and noncombatants alike, as well as in transnational relations and alliance systems†(Daum, Gardner Mausbach 1). In addition, the reputation of the United States would not be ruined if not for the occurrence of the Vietnam War. The United States would not look weak of not for the involvement into the military conflict with such a small country as Vietnam. In other words, the Vietnam War brought the first modern military defeat for the United States (Daum et al. 1).     Moreover, Modern World History would be different if not for the U.S. military experience in Vietnam. The Vietnam War was based on the spread of guerrilla combat, as well as the use of military hardware including helicopters, which were utilized by soldiers in difficult terrain. Due to the spread of guerrilla combat, the Vietnam War was the people’s war, which did not provide strict division between the civilians and the military. In other words, the military experience in the Vietnam War influenced the tactics of other military interventions and wars, including the Gulf War (1990) and Iraq invasion (2003).Furthermore, Modern World History would be different if not for the media coverage of the Vietnam War . The role of media was crucial in agenda setting and propaganda distribution in other military operations, including the Gulf War (1990), Iraq invasion (2003), the 9/11 attacks and invasion in Afghanistan.Finally, Modern World History would be different if not for the role of public opinion in the establishment of foreign policy. Americans proved that public opinion could shape public policy. Although the Vietnam War was not declared because it started as a military conflict between France and North Vietnam, public opinion could stop the military intervention of the United States, providing new approaches to solving international problems.ConclusionThus, it is necessary to conclude that the Vietnam War plays an important role in Modern World History. The Vietnam conflict changes the beliefs of American people regarding the effectiveness of their country’s policy. In fact, the entire nation felt upset and wary of being involved in the long-term military engagements, which took the lives of thousands of American soldiers. The significance of the Vietnam War in historical and historiographical context can be explained by the effected of the military conflict in further actions, strategies and policies of superpowers. The War in Vietnam influenced the formation of public opinion regarding foreign policy. The Vietnam War had two significant effects on Modern World History. First, people who believed in strong executive power’s influence on public opinion had to change their beliefs. Public opinion served the interest of the nation and global stability. Due to reexamination of their views, people could influence the development of future public policies. Second, American policy in Vietnam can be used in assessing the effectiveness of current foreign policies. The military experience of the United States in Vietnam influenced the nation’s confidence in the military power of the state. Modern World History would be different if not for the oc currence of the military conflict in Vietnam because the causes, consequences and effects of the war played an important role in further military operations.
Monday, October 21, 2019
The Business and Cultural Practices of Japan
The Business and Cultural Practices of Japan Introduction The rising rate of globalization has led to business activities to be a global affair. It is because of this globalization that any entrepreneur who wants to beat the global competition should familiarize themselves with the customs, norms and practices of the different countries they do business with. It is also important that the business protocol, communication and etiquette are put into consideration.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on The Business and Cultural Practices of Japan specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This becomes of essence due to the increased travelling in terms of doing business (Lipartito 32). Japan is no exception since it is one of the industrial countries in the world. Most countries of the world import most products from Japan because of her good reputation and the high quality products she produces. Japan’s economy is also at the top competing with countries like the United States of America which are known to be doing well economically worldwide. Geographic Description of Japan Population Japan has a population of 126,804,433 and is ranked 10th among all other countries in the world. Japans life expectancy is 82 years, but its population’s growth rate is declining at 0.242%. 66% of the total population lives in an urban area, and 99% both male and female are literate. GDP Japan is the third largest economy in the world after the United States and China. Its GDP (purchasing power parity) is $4.137 trillion and ranked 4th in the world. Japan entered into recession in 2008, its GDP – real growth rate is currently declining at rate of 5.3% and its GDP per capita is at $32,600. Its labor force is composed of 65.93 million and its unemployment rate is 5.1%. Political Orientation Japan government is parliamentary with a constitutional monarchy. It legal system is modeled after the European civil law systems with English-American i nfluence. Japans chief of state is Emperor Akihito, he has been in this position since January 1989. In June 4th of this year the National Diet of Japan also known as the bicameral legislature appointed Naoto Kan as prime minister, he is considered to be the head of government. Following legislative elections the leader of the majority party usually becomes prime minister; the monarchy is hereditary. Major Products Produced Japan is famous in the world for producing vehicles, electronics textiles and machinery. Others include fully processed food commodities, big vessels like ships just to mention but a few. It is known to be the largest exporter of the same products. Other significant facts Japan is located in eastern Asia, in a chain of islands between the North Pacific Ocean and the Sea of Japan. Its area can be compared as slightly smaller than the state of California. In 1941 Japan attacked the United States, this initiated Americas entry into World War II. When Japan lost in the Second World War it regained its strength and has become one of the most important economic powers in the world.Advertising Looking for research paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More For more than a decade Japan has been one of the most important markets overseas for the United States. Japan supplies many important products to firms such as Apple, IBM and Hewlett-Packard. Japan also plays a major role in UN peacekeeping operations, humanitarian relief and also in international election monitoring (Griffin 56). Japan’s Business Practices Japan is currently going through major human resources management changes. Traditional culturally influenced Japanese business practices are slowly shifting to more westernized business practices. To globally compete, many Japanese companies feel that they must not let cultural barriers continue to hinder Japan’s economical performance. Howev er, regardless of where Japanese business practices are headed in the future, cultural values and norms still highly influence Japan’s common business practices. Building business relationships in Japan is a business practice highly influenced by societal values and norms. Writing a letter of introduction, calling, or showing up uninvited to a firm is considered impolite and disrespectful. â€Å"One of the best ways of initiating a viable business relationship in Japan is to obtain a letter of introduction (shokaijo) from an introducer. A good introducer is a person respected and trusted by both parties involved. While these types of culturally influenced business practices are slowly fading from Japanese business philosophies, they are still recognized as polite ways of doing business. Japan’s highly relationship-oriented business practices go beyond initiating business, it is also noticeable in the way Japanese negotiate contractual terms and handle conflicts. Typic al Japanese negotiators are more concerned with reaching a general agreement and building a trusting relationship than specific contractual terms. Furthermore, Japanese business practices for conflict resolution are similar to the way they do other business practices. The Japanese prefer to settle business issues out of court through mutual consultation and mediation because most of the time, they have built a trusting relationship with the businessperson and would not want to be rude. Another business practice in Japan is the use of a lifetime employment system. The vast majority of companies in Japan still have this type of employment system where employees implicitly agree to work with the company for the duration of their career (MOFA 10). The Japanese lifetime employment system pays and promotes individuals based on a seniority system. Employees not performing to standard are moved to â€Å"easier†positions rather than being fired.Advertising We will write a cus tom research paper sample on The Business and Cultural Practices of Japan specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Outright firing of an employee would not traditionally be considered an option within Japanese organizations. However, with increasing globalization demands and the downturn of the economy, the lifetime employment and seniority systems are beginning to fade as more Japanese companies switch to performance-based payment and promotion options. While there are some advantages to the lifetime employment and seniority system, many Japanese companies are finding that they cannot compete without performance incentives. A lifetime employment system is advantageous because it promotes employee loyalty by providing job security. Furthermore, this system allows employees to build lasting relationships with supervisors and colleagues. However, Japanese companies have begun to switch from this philosophy to a more performance based, westernized empl oyment system. Promotions and salaries are increasingly becoming performance-based rather than based on seniority. Japanese business practices are highly related to their cultural beliefs and societal norms. However, globalization and the demand from other countries wanting to enter Japan’s markets, cultural influences are slowly fading away. Westernized business philosophies are creeping their way into Japan’s common business practices and will more than likely continue to shape the future of Japanese business practices. Hofstede’s dimensions in evaluating Japan’s cultural values Japan has somewhat a unique culture. Their culture is dramatically different from other Asian cultures, such as ones of China, Hong Kong, and Korea (Gross 1). For an organization to succeed in Japan one should be loyal and have a good relationship with the people around. Based on Hofstede’s cultural dimensions, Japan’s lowest ranking factor is Individualism. They a re more of a collectivist culture, which means that they value working in groups, as opposed to individually. The group, rather than the individual, is the fundamental unit of concern in businesses in Japan. People of Japan are very sociable, and place a great deal of importance upon the opinions of others. They work for intrinsic rewards, and harmony is considered more important than honesty Japan is pretty much right in the middle of the power distance index which is used to indicate the extent to which differences between people is perceived (Nishiyama 4). Therefore, some inequality and some equality exist between people in Japan. There are moderate gaps in authority, respect, and compensation.Advertising Looking for research paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The highest characteristic of Japan is that they strongly value. Masculinity versus femininity indicates how the roles of male and females are perceived. Since Japan has a very high Masculinity score, women’s values differ less among societies than men’s values. Also, people in Japan value assertiveness and competitiveness, as opposed to more modest and caring values that are more common among countries that are feminine (Smith 1). Japan also has a very high Uncertainty Avoidance Index. The UAI deals with how much a culture tolerates risk. Since Japan’s UAI is very high, this means that they try to avoid risky situations as much as possible. The members of Japan’s society feel uncomfortable when placed in novel, unknown, surprising, or just different from usual situations (Gorill 1). The corporate culture of Japan is very formal. They try to reduce the chances of amorphous situations by implementation of very laws and rules that are strict. The Japanese p eople tend to be very emotional and can be easily motivated unlike in other countries. Therefore any entrepreneur who would prefer to start a business in Japan needs to be very prepared and able to predict the outcome of the enterprise. Lastly, Japan’s culture has a high long-term orientation in terms of delivering its services to the population of Japan and the entire world. Their education systems favor this orientation together with the ethics they have in doing work. Comparison of Japan’s Practices to those of United States Business practices US managers often express leadership abilities and competence by dominating group discussions, whereas Japanese managers demonstrate leadership by silence. Japanese managers often encourage subordinates to participate and come up with acceptable solutions. In a business meeting, being silent has different meaning between United States and Japan. In United States, if a person does not talk during a meeting or conversation, that person expresses inability to communicate. Whereas in Japan, being silence indicates the person is thinking or increased conversation would oppose to harmonious (William 2). When American businesspeople arrive for a meeting, they first exchange some pleasantries, then get down to business, and follow by a well planned agenda that has been sent out to each party prior to the meeting (Dietterich 1). For Japan, the first meeting focuses on whether each party can trust each other rather than working on planned agenda. When Japanese say yes during a contract negotiation, it means â€Å"yes, I understand what is being said†. American often interprets them as â€Å"Yes, I agree with you†, so there are two different interpretations of the word yes. Hospitality is quite important in Japanese business culture. In order to build personal bonds and group harmony among participants, fancy meals and after hours entertainment are required. In United States, when executives are havin g a meal with the clients in fancy restaurants, this means they are showing their status and clout. In Japan, when organizations encounter bad news, it will informally communicate through one team member to another team member, whereas in the states, bad new will be delivered as soon as possible to the person in charge (Angelucci 2). In a union negotiation, US labor agreement is actually negotiated between a firm and a union through enforcement by the court of law. In addition, negotiations are relatively formal. On the other hand, collective bargaining is very rare in Japan, Unions and management always work together to come up with a mutual benefit. The Japanese hostile confrontation, disputes are settled through mutual agreement. Culture Practices Education in the States is quite different than Japan. In the States, primary and secondary schools guide the individuals to build up self reliance, creativity, and self esteem. In Japan, primary and secondary schools focus on preparing students to take a college entrance exam. Low context cultures include United States, â€Å"the speaker explicitly conveys the speaker’s message to the listener.†A high context cultures such as Japan, the words spoken require â€Å"cultural clues in order to understand what is being said. Western country manages stress differently. In United States, Executives would encounter moderate stress and are able to manage stress effectively, whereas the Japanese would encounter very high levels of stress and encounter difficulties in managing stress. Five basic needs of physiological, security, social, self esteem, and self actualization from Abraham Maslow are all important for Japan and United States’ culture (The World Factbook 32). Conclusion From the above discussion it can therefore be concluded that the Japan’s business and cultural practices are worth being familiarized because of the economical benefit it has to the entire world. However, Japan as a c ountry is trying to eliminate any barriers that may arise to cause hindrance to the global market. Even though the United States is the world’s super power, it can be deduced that the two countries work hand in hand because of the similar business practices and the fact that Japan is one of the most industrious country in the world. Angelucci, Marc. â€Å"Hofstede’s Dimensions on Cultural Practices†. 2010- August 4, 2010. Dietterich, Tea. â€Å"China-Cultural Awareness and Etiquette Training.†2002-August 4, 2010. East Southeast Asia. â€Å"Japan CIA The World Fact book.†2009-August 4, 2010. Gorill, Jodie. â€Å"Japanese Social and Business Culture.†2007- August 4, 2010. ulture.php Griffin, Ricky. International business. Pearson Prentice Hall 6th edition, 2010.Print Gross, Anchw. â€Å"Trends in Human Resource Practices in Japan†. 1998- August 4, 2010. Japans Contribution to UN Peacekeeping Operations. â€Å"Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan (MOFA)†. 2005-August 4, 2010 Lipartito, Kaiya. â€Å"Culture and the Practice of Business History.†1995- August 4, 2010. Nishiyama, Kaiya. â€Å"Doing Business With Japan: Successful Strategies for Intercultural Communication†.2000- August4, 2010. Smith, Ethel. â€Å"The importance of understanding cultural Differences in business.†2002- August 4, 2010. Tulshyan, Ruchika. â€Å"The w orld’s qurky cultural practices.†2010- August 4, 2010. Wells, Christopher. â€Å"Exercise In Cross-Cultural Negotiations in Japan.†1996- August 4, 2010. William, Melinda. â€Å"Cultural Awareness and Business Etiquette in the Global Marketplace.†2007- August 4, 2010.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
The Importance of Government Explained
The Importance of Government Explained John Lennons Imagine is a beautiful song, but when he tallies up the things he can imagine us living without - possessions, religion and so on - he never asks us to imagine a world without government. The closest he comes is when he asks us to imagine that there are no countries, but thats not exactly the same thing. This is probably because Lennon was a student of human nature. He knew that government might be one thing we cant do without. Governments are important structures. Lets imagine a world with no government. A World Without Laws Im typing this on my MacBook right now. Lets imagine that a very large man - well call him Biff - has decided that he doesnt especially like my writing. He walks in, throws the MacBook to the floor, stomps it into little pieces, and leaves. But before leaving, Biff tells me that if I write anything else he doesnt like, hell do to me what he did to my MacBook.Biff just established something very much like his own government. It has become against Biffs law for me to write things that Biff doesnt like. The penalty is severe and enforcement is fairly certain. Whos going to stop him? Certainly not me. Im smaller and less violent than he is.But Biff isnt really the biggest problem in this no-government world. The real problem is a greedy, heavily armed guy - well call him Frank - who has learned that if he steals money then hires enough muscle with his ill-gotten gains, he can demand goods and services from every business in town. He can take anything he wants and make almost anybo dy do whatever he demands. Theres no authority higher than Frank that can make him stop what hes doing, so this jerk has literally created his own government - what political theorists refer to as a despotism, a government ruled by a despot, which is essentially another word for tyrant. A World of Despotic Governments Some governments arent much different from the despotism I just described. Kim Jong-il technically inherited his army instead of hiring it in North Korea, but the principle is the same. What Kim Jong-il wants, Kim Jong-il gets. Its the same system Frank used, but on a larger scale. If we dont want Frank or Kim Jong-il in charge, we must all get together and agree to do something to prevent them from taking over. And that agreement itself is a government. We need governments to protect us from other, worse power structures that would otherwise form in our midst and deprive us of our rights. As Thomas Jefferson said the Declaration of Independence: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That ​to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to affect their safety and happiness.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Administration management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Administration management - Essay Example Brendan Murphy has a list of requirements, which he wants us to finish. The total budget for the project is US $60,000. The plan is to fit the scope and the schedule of the work. 2. Scope The scope of the project is to conduct two major tasks, to landscape the garden, and to fence. Apart from the core objectives, there are other tasks involved in the project such as installing electric lines and construction fishponds. The water pipes also have to be fitted in order to provide constant supply of water through all the seasons. All the tasks and processes that the company can garden have to fit within the budget of US $ 60,000. 3. Change Management Process Change management process is a very critical factor to consider because once the changes are executed, some of them are irreversible. The change management process considers the present condition of the garden and the expected results after its completion. This requires engagement of Mr. and Mrs. Murphy in a detailed interview. The i nformation they provide will be the guideline for the scope of the project. During the review of the change process, there will be need to assess the inherent risks involved and how to mitigate the risks before the change initiative can begin. If certain processes are attached to high-risk activities, then, there will be need to decline the processes and seek alternative actions (Chudley & Greeno, 2008). 4. Change Request After the interview and the risk assessment process, our company presents the request for change to our client with a summary of all the factors to consider and the expected results. As we do the request, we are mindful of the presence of our competitors who may present lower cost bids. Upon approval of the change request, we proceed to prepare the work schedule for the project (Diaz, 2013). It clear from the problem definition, that not all aspects of the garden need a change. Chang request feasibility has to be determined, and only when the change request feasibi lity has been ascertained can it move to the implementation of the activity schedule (McIntyre & Strischek, 2005). Similarly, there are areas that are completely new, including the fishpond project. The desire of our company is to encounter changes that can add value without necessarily having to attract legal challenges. The complete work schedule 5. Risk Management Risk assessment and control procedure will be required to consider the effects of these tasks on the environment and third party entities. Some of the risks to assess in this plan include: Legal Risks The processes have to be documented in a standard that complies with the regulations and policies of the government (Wood, 2012). For example, the fencing plan must coincide with the map from the government authorities in charge of planning. This is in observation that violation of legal regulations has heavy penalties. Risks of Insecurity The fencing of the garden is based on the survey of the environmental security. If t he risk is highly rated, then the control of having stronger fencing will be necessary. Additionally, there will be need to install live electric fence, and to employ security guards. Weather Changes The possibility of rainfall shortage is critical risk to the projects in the garden. The management for this is the plan for irrigation through the water pipe connections. 6. Communication The infrastructure in this environment has to support communication between the workers in the garden and between the owners and external service providers. Transport network will also be a vital factor to consider in this project (Chudley & Greeno,
Friday, October 18, 2019
POST COLD WAR Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
POST COLD WAR - Research Paper Example The falling of the Berlin wall in 1989 marked the end of the Cold War and as a result the world moved from a state of military multipolarity to a state of unipolarity which still exists today. There is a debate concerning whether the world has become more stable and secure after the end of the Cold War. In 1979, there was a hypothesis presented by Kenneth Waltz that stated that the world is more secure and stable if there are few dominating powers. According to him, alliances had become more diffuse in a world that is multipolar than in a world that is bipolar (Trachtenberg 132). In the world history, the era of multipolarity was characterized by six states that competed for the influence and power distribution was constantly changing. There was stability during the period of the Cold War because there was sharing of domination between two super powers. There have been a lot of changes since the presentation of the hypothesis by Waltz. The end of the Cold War resulted in an end of ‘structural elements’ in the international framework that was facing the third world nations. That means that the world competition between the superpowers and the resulting search for the allies in the developing world. However, eliminating competition meant that there was now a decisive change in the western policy towards the third world nations (Trachtenberg 134). For example, they could no longer apply their strategic position in mineral resources or their political support in the regional conflict as bargaining points with the superpowers. The end of the Cold War resulted in changes in the world structure of the system which had a great effect on Third World nations. During the WWI and WWII a system of multipolarity raises conflict in the politics of the world, as many states of the same strength compete for influence and power. The states are not sure of the intentions of their rivals, which increase the possibility of a military action. Also, there is a constant
Doing Business Globally & Internationally Essay - 1
Doing Business Globally & Internationally - Essay Example In addition, the effects of the exchange rates movements on the partnership are highlighted in the paper. Finally, an analysis of the various aspects of international business is identified in the paper. International business entails the concept of cross-border trade activities between different countries and organizations. The paper examines various aspects of international business by evaluating the partnership between Kellogg and Wilmar International. The essay examines the environmental factors and trends that contributed to the partnership. Moreover, there is a comparative analysis of the first and second entry attempt by Kellogg Company into the Chinese market. The national and organization cultures highlighted in the case study are examined critically in the essay. In addition, the effects of the exchange rates movements on the partnership are highlighted in the paper. Finally, an analysis of the various aspects of international business is identified in the paper. 2 Wilmer International Limited refers to an investment company that operates in various business segments in different parts of the world. The company business activities encompass different parts such as processing and merchandising of lauric and palm oil as well as refining and processing soybean. The company also operates in other segments, which include sales, packaging of various products such as edible oils, flour, grains and rice (Aswathappa 27). The company also engages in the cultivation and milling of palm oil and sugar ( 2015). The Chinese economy ranks among the fastest expanding economies in the world. In addition, the authorities in the countries have diversified their political and economic approaches in order to cater for the emergence of globalization of trade (Alon 32). 4 The Chinese government has liberalized the criteria of using the internet that is crucial for marketing activities. Initially, the government controlled most of
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Outline Some of the Key Issues in Education Today Essay
Outline Some of the Key Issues in Education Today - Essay Example Currently, measures of ensuring that all children acquire appropriate education relevant to the prevailing conditions has become of more importance than ever before. Consequently, numerous issues have emerged in the education sector. Some of the major issues include provision of universal education to all children through polices such as Every Child Matters and educating students on global citizenship in order to improve their ability to function in a globalised world. The modern education is faced with several challenges that undermine provision of the appropriate skills and knowledge to the learners. Boyer and Hamil (2008) indentified three main challenges affecting the education sector in developed and developing world. These problems include lack of well motivated teachers, which contribute to high attrition rate, lack of adequate parental involvement in learning of their children and poor reading habits among the students in education institutions (Boyer and Hamil, 2008). These shortcomings have elicited various reactions from educational policy makers, resulting to formulation of policies aimed at addressing the problem. Teaching as a profession is demanding and characterised by immense responsibilities which the society places upon the teachers. In spite of the heavy responsibilities, Altshuler, (2003) notes that teachers are not adequately motivated to perform under such demanding environment, leading to high rate of attrition and declining interest in the profession. Various research studies have been conducted to investigate the duration of service of teachers in the profession. A study conducted by Boling and Evans (2008) in United States established that forty six percent of teachers in the country quit the profession after less than five years. This trend is more pronounced in urban areas where about half of the entire professional workforce quit the profession for other careers (Boling, C., and Evans, 2008). Another study by Boyer and Hamil (2008) established that over ninety percent of newly recruited teachers are hired to replace those who quit the profession because of other reasons except retirement. High teacher attrition has various adverse effects on education. Some of the effects include straining the available resources allocated for the education sector. Boyer and Hamil (2008) noted that schools spend considerable amounts of financial resources while searching and recruiting new teachers, a situation that drains their budgetary allocations considerably. Uradan, Solek, and Schoenfelder (2007) estimated that schools in United States spend about $ 7 billion annually in the process of recruiting, hiring and retaining teachers in the country. These financial resources could be invested in other important academic ventures, such as investing in modern technology and purchasing of other necessary teaching resources. High teacher turnover rate undermines the quality of education provided to the children. Bransford, et al ( 2009)argue that the trend denies the profession considerable skills, when well trained and experienced teachers leave the profession for other pursuits. Consequently students receive poor quality education, which ultimately undermines their future progress. Ward and Eden (2009) attributed the high rate of teacher attrition to working in a demoralising but demanding environ
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